I Got A Story To Tell Volume 7, Part Five-Point-Five: Earth sucks.

Hey, mama?

You told me that I should stab my friends as I stab them.

That I sould live upon that fantasy.

But could you do it?

Could you be the bitch of the story?

I want you to be alive, right now.

It sucks that I'm being the bitch of the story right now.

But it is for the greater good.

For my greater good.

I've grown up.

Your little boy has moved up the ranks.

I am not the little boy people saw in me once.

I am a bitch.

'That's quite extreme, boy. I'm sure you mean good. Even evil has some good in them.. You just need a bit more time to ponder and realise just how great and good you can do.'

Peggy Carter..

I thought you stopped talking to me after what I did.

But you are wrong.

I do not wish to be the hero.

Because I won't save anyone unless that one person.

'I do not hate you. You did what you thought was best. And I am happy you are doing your best for yourself. Of course, I understand that losing a life is tragic. But who cares?'

..Are you sure you are Peggy Carter?

You sound as if Roga's death was necessary.

'It was necessary. And I was joking when I said that I was Peggy. I thought you knew. I'm not a ghost, boy!'

My bad, I guess.

I never saw you in the realities I went through.

You're a first.

'Of course I am. I am unique. A life that isn't alive.. Thus, a life that can't end..'

So poetic.

What does that have to do with me?

What do you want?

'Nothing. Just wanted to tell you that Earth sucks.'

That's a lie.

I can see you smile.

A wicked smile.

As long as you don't interfere with my plans, I'll let you live.

But the moment you disturb everything I've worked for, you will understand pain.

'You quickly became aggressive, boy. But I understand. I was like you too. Anyway, I'll let you deal with your shits. I'll watch from the side as always..'