I Got A Story To Tell Volume 7, Part Fourteen: I'm gonna rest a bit before sleeping an eternal night by your side.

History has made itself crystal clear.

Never have faith in stability.

Because Positiveness brings out negativeness.

He forced the stone onto me.

I begged but he didn't listen.

I was in pain and yet, he watched as I drowned myself in my screams.

In this sacred home we reunited at first, I realise Lune was never the one he claimed to be.

His eyes.

White and cryptic eyes.

Eyes that knew everything.

I saw them look down on me.

I was right to never trust them.

And wrong because I ignored that feeling.

★A Human dares to enter my inner realm. It seems the trend is going awry these days..

Shit! The conscious of the Power Stone. That dickhead didn't tell me how to....

"Hi! I was sent by Lun--I mean, Thanos, The Time Stone."

I almost fucked up.

★Little foul. Grenade was killed by the same person. I liked the girl. She never once respected me. But strangely, you do.. Tell me, little foul, why do you respect me? Lie, I kill you.

That's JUST perfect.

I don't wanna die yet.

I don't want to leave Verin by himself.

Fuck me!!

"Two reasons; First, I don't wanna die, Second, I don't want to miss the chance to become powerful."


The second reason wasn't me...

★Grenade told me that she was tasked to be the shield of Earth. So, she forced her will which I could never break into me. For the first time, I, The Reality, lost to a Human. You, Little foul, are different. You are weak. You smell weak. I could eat you right now and it would be your end.


★But rejoice, I'm on a good mood today. I'm free now that Grenade died.. And because you are weak, it means I will be free inside of you.

Wait, does that mean--??!?

Earth, City Of H: Homeless; Wrecked Manoir.

"I gave you a new recipient."

Says Lune sitting and staring at the scintillating stars of the endless night.

★Yes, My Liege. Thank you for trusting me again. I promise that this time, I won't rebel against you. I've learnt my lesson.

Lune smiles.

"Good, Sia."