We go through life not really knowing what's on the other side of it. We keep doing the same old thing like ants in a line. We see each other passing by, but all we do is meet eyes and move on. Why? Are we really that disconnected from each other that we've forgotten how to make real connections?
What if the answer was behind a door? No, not a regular door. This door is different. It lives in the imagination of a certain someone. Only this certain someone can open this door, but to do so would irrevocably destroy the foundations of reality we know and trust. Gravity would no longer be static and relative, but flexible. Boundaries we normally wouldn't push in the world we know would become malleable.
Differences of perception are one thing we all have. It's a unique feature of the infrastructure for our brains to define what we see, hear, touch, and smell. These perceptions define us. We would not be who we see ourselves as we are, if those perceptions shattered. We only get a small taste of shattered perceptions when we lose a loved one or something of which we value dearly. It's a small by-product of fear that runs through us. We as humans grasp so hard onto perception that with even the slightest tug on it, we rage against the unseen tug with all of our might. As if it could take everything we know from us and debilitate us into worthless heaps of skin and bones. We are far more capable of traveling away from our perceptions than we know.
Come with me, through this door, and I will show you how deep your perceptions can be fooled and destroyed. Let me help you destroy your perceptions of reality, and take you down this maniacal hole deep inside my mind. Leave your perceptions at the door, though, if you can… because you won't need them where we are going.