Oscar-award winning acting.


It is uncertain what it was that actually woke me up, but the fact remains was whatever it was should have done it sooner! I must be mad, how did I go from spreading a bed to sleeping in it? Now the owner of the room has returned and I am stuck in a drawer, hoping he just intended on dropping something off and going out.

He wasn't dropping anything off. In fact, was he taking a shower? Shit! Shit, shit, shit! I can't be fired, not so soon, I wouldn't get paid if I get fired this early, besides I like this job. It wasn't too tasking and it actually paid quite the amount. It felt like forever it did, but the shower eventually turned off, princess. And I saw his silhouette drift out the bathroom, there were two ways I could leave this room, the front or out the indoor garden that sat in the middle of his suite. Rich people and building pointless things.

Waiting for a bit just to be sure I began to tiptoe out of the room in my black flats, thankful they made the shoes especially to quite our pitter-patter, we could dare not disturb our employers, at first I thought it was snobbish but right now I am quite grateful. Any moment now I'll be free! One, two, three…

"Got you!"

"Ah!" A piercing scream escaped my lips before I could stop it, instinct caused me to shove my arms from wrist to elbow together to protect my front as I bumped into the very shirtless and very wet and very, very toned and built chest. Dear Lord, I am only a mortal woman this temptation do you not think is too much for me to handle?

I felt strong arms around my shoulders steadying me, and without my conscious brain, I was shoved?

"Don't touch me." He said again and I swear I do not want to sound like those girls but even his voice was… wow. No, I am mentally stronger than this. He would not make me swoon from these silly tricks without looking up at his face I quickly bowed before him.

"Please forgive me! I don't deserve it but if you please just find it in your heart to forgive me!" I pleaded desperately.

"Forgive you? It's one thing to sleep in my bed, and I understand I have an irresistible body but isn't it too shameful to peek at someone in the shower, now you wasted no effort trying to touch my naked body. You pervert!"



Sounding as strict as I could I waited for a reaction, would she bend or would she break? I was well aware she wasn't peeking in the bathroom but it was fun to tease. I truly wondered how she would react, what would she do?

"You can't prove that." She stated softly, I would have missed it because of how soft her voice was. But what did she mean?

"I beg your pardon?"

"You can't prove any of what you just said." She repeated herself, her voice sounding louder now but no less soft, standing up straight she lifted her head and looked me in the eye. And the only thought that entered my head at that moment was one simple word, pretty she is very pretty.

"But don't need to prove anything, my word is the law here," I said, but still curious to understand this her line of thought I probed further. "But even if I wasn't heir to this family, anyone that walks in here doesn't need any more proof, I dressed like this and you standing there like that is enough."

She smiled, she actually smiled, spreading her pink plump lips, I'm honestly surprised by how calm she is right now. She didn't even flinch, what would it take to make her flinch? "But I wasn't peeking, neither did I sleep in your bed. And just now you jumped out and see what I did-" she demonstrated placing her hands together as she did earlier "just to avoid touching you."

"No one else knows that but us, you are still in trouble."

"I never denied that did I?" She stated, "even without getting into trouble the fact that I am working here already means my future is dependent on you and my other employees. So since you and I both know that you don't have proof that would hold water in the court of law please" she dropped to her knees, "I have several siblings to feed, I am the oldest daughter and my father is a hopeless drunk. I am clinging on to the hope that you have some ounce of good in your heart. If I get fired I will probably get sold as a slave or something," looking up at me "do you want to be responsible for that?" She asked me, not waiting for a reply she continued but I could not hear any more.

This is way too chaotic and too unexpected. "Get up." She paused stared at me then continued her speech on her more than pitiful seven younger brothers, save me.


"Unless you give your word that you won't tell anyone about this" she stated, stunning me speechless. Did she just threaten me?

"Hey, do you think you have the right to give me an ultimatum?" I scoffed.

Freezing up again, her eyes roamed everywhere before they settled back on me and she answered. "Well, my dad has never been around for us, after my mother died" she whimpered. She was a terrible actress, honestly, but her courage surprised me. She actually kept talking. instead of the pleasure, I would have derived from watching her reaction to me teasing her I was the one that ended up fazed.

"Get out."



After my Oscar-winning award acting? No way I would give up this soon, should I try to act cute next? No, acting pitiful is my stronger suit, think Sabine, your life has moved more people than you cared to count to tears, surely even a rich heir is still human, I hope.

"Please my brothers!" I cried out, his brows rose and he scoffed, I could tell he was irritated and about to walk away so I decided to become shameless.

"Save me!!" I begged, wrapping my torso around his leg.

"Ah!" He exclaimed, turning around to shrug me off, deciding it would be better if I held onto his arm instead I got up to do just that but we both forgot that he was just coming out after taking a shower, a wet shower. It felt like the world rotated when he slipped and pulled me with him trying to keep his balance.

We fell to the ground with a loud thud, him taking the brunt of the injury since I fell on top of him. It was at that moment I knew, I had fucked up.