He's such a dick.


I hadn't seen Asher since his storm off earlier and I will not lie I was worried. I had a wonderful night in his bed and I was afraid he wouldn't come for the switch this night because of everything that had happened.... okay fine, I was worried about him and at the end of the day, his grandfather collapsed. The light knocking sounds on my door pulled me out of my thoughts, looking forward at the clock in front of me, 11:59. It could only be one person that would come here at this time.

Getting out of bed I rushed to open the door, and as expected it was Asher. He looked exhausted, his black hair tousled and it looked like he ran his hands through it severally. The mischievous and playful smirk that normally sat on his face was replaced by a deep frown and that bright expression he normally wore disappeared, leaving him to appear darker. He looked both scary and pitiful.

I never thought that he could ever have anything but his mischievous and playful glint in his eyes but right now he just looked vexed and tired. Falling forward he leaned on me, forcing me to bear the weight of his body, a weight which I staggered beneath. But beneath that weight I realized something… "hey, you're very hot." I stated in panic, lifting my hands to the exposed nape of his neck where his head rested on my shoulder. He was very hot!

"Uh… mister Quing?" I called out but there was no response, he wasn't moving and I could barely feel his breathing, my heart began to thump painfully in my chest. Stepping to the side I maneuvered my smaller body under his arm, slinging it across my shoulder I let his head drop unceremoniously. Walking forward I struggled, but I managed to get him to my bed dropping him as gently as I could. I leaned down to whisper in his ear "please hang in there I'll go get help."

But he wouldn't let me, as I turned to walk out his hand on mine holding me back restricted my progress. "Mister Quing" i whined but he shook his head weakly.

"No, I don't want anyone to find out," He groaned.

"But mister Quing you are burning up!" I was exasperated, starting to actually panic, a fever was never good for anyone. My little brother almost lost his life a few years ago because of a fever, it wasn't even the disease that almost killed him. If he was a little hot I wouldn't be so bothered but this was a serious situation!

"No, don- don't… tell anyone" he sighed with so much fatigue.

Fine, but I have to do something about this turning around yet again to go to my bathroom Asher grabbed my arm once more. I pursed my lip in worry once I saw how hard he was gripping it, his knuckles turned white and his torso was almost out of the bed. I bent lower to push him back on the bed, his hot skin scalding even through the fabric of his shirt. But it wasn't all that that stopped me, it was his single word "don't" uttered labouriously with so much ardor, fervor I felt through his fatigue.

"I'm not going out, I just want to get water to reduce your fever" I informed him. Gently loosening his grip around my arms.

I was in and out of the bathroom in a jiffy with cold water and a towel to place on his head. By the time his fever had subsided, he was already sleeping. And I was left with the repercussions of everything that happened before, one of which was taking off his shirt to cool off his body. That was a mistake on my part because now I can barely look anywhere else, or the fact that my wrist had begun to bruise where he grabbed me. I know I shouldn't but I also know it is inevitable, I think I am starting to like my boss' son.


This is what I wanted, isn't it? Everything I hoped to achieve in that house today I did. by now my aunt should be receiving absolute words of praise from Asher's family, I saved the chairman's life and Asher hates me to the absolute core. Yet I feel like utter crap, and I hate it. The movies were a big bust, I don't know what it was expecting but I was foolish to expect it from Xavier. Goodness, that guy is a jerk, yet I still like him. I am even ashamed of myself but I can't control my heart, I really can't.

"How can you be so dumb?" Xavier stated blankly, looking down at me with that stare that made it clear that he was looking down on me.

"I made a pretty common mistake, don't you think you are being too harsh?" I replied.

"Don't dare touch me if you are scared, you know I hate it so best to keep your hands to yourself" he said casually, tucking his hands in the pockets of his tight jeans giving me a full view of his beautiful backside as he walked into the theater.

That movie was beyond terrifying, and everywhere I looked we were surrounded by cringey couples where the boyfriends provided a strong base for their girlfriends when there were scared. Rubbing their backs in assurance, covering their eyes at really scary scenes and some cases where it was the other way around with the boyfriends hugging their girlfriends. Yet I was left clutching tightly to the seat of my chair in the theater until my knuckles turned white and my palms became numb. It was after the movie when the cold breeze stung my cheek I realized I had been crying. And he only said one thing "disappointing" ugh!

Why is he such a dick?!