It's because I like you!


"Wow, you two look like heaven together, how does it feel to become the focus of the entire country in just three days of announcing your love match?" Melanie the host of the show we were on asked.

Both Asher and I shared disgusted looks at each other at the mention of a 'love match' this couldn't be farther from the truth and the most painful part is that it wasn't even forced, he was punishing me! In this life and the past, this guy remains a thorn in my side, a thorn I simply cannot shake off, seriously!

"But come to think of it, you know there is a rumor going around that you two aren't really engaged" she looked at the crowd dramatically, placing her left hand like a barricade against the right side of her mouth she leaned forward and I fought the urge to just roll my eyes, seriously? She was wearing a microphone they would still hear, what's up with all the drama? "There are massive whispers saying that the day this engagement was announced Asher blatantly refused to marry you, what made you change your mind?"

My eyes widened at her daring question and I heard Asher's nervous laughter beside me. Turning to him, with my lifted brow "yeah Asher, what made you change your mind?"

He gave me a sizzling glare and turned to look at Melanie and suddenly I went back in time, back to my past life.


"What the hell are you doing?!"

"She is a bitch and she is trying to steal you from me!" I screamed as I shoved the waiter again.

Asher grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the restaurant, when we were finally outside he turned to face me with the scariest look in his eyes, walking towards me my heart thumped so hard it left tattoos of its shape against my ribcage.

Each step he took towards me left me taking an unsteady one backward until I hit a car and he quickly trapped me between the car and himself. Slamming his hand on each side of my body I froze in place.

"Asher" I whimpered but his eyes shut me up.

"I have always known you were nothing but a complete idiot so why the hell is you trying to be an idiot and a bitch?! What do you think you were doing causing a scene in that restaurant? Why won't just remain silent and clumsy like you usually are?" He asked, his yelling forcing me to turn my head away in fear.

"Look the worst possible thing that could happen to me was getting engaged to you, but at least you are a fool so I didn't have to deal with you. I could just get married to you and never see your face again, so why are you now acting like this?"

I shut my eyes as tears fell down my cheeks, "because I like you!"

My eyes widened in shock at the unseen revelation, what was that memory?

"Isabelle?" I heard Melanie's voice and felt Asher touch, he tapped my shoulder but I felt like jumping, which I didn't of course I am not so immature, not anymore.

Blinking I turned to face Melanie, "hmm? Did you say something?"

"Where is your head at?" Asher leaned towards me and whispered in my ear and this time to my absolute mortification I jumped. "Get off me!" it bothered me why I jumped like that but in that split second I remembered more, more about what happened that night but it was a little different.


"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Asher yelled his voice thundering, the glass cup in my hand slipped and fell in fright and I tried to speak but words failed to leave my opened lips. His eyes were normally a nice shade of brown but I swear it was like I could see the orange of fire in them as he stared at me. It had this burning effect and what was worse was that it wasn't his anger I saw at that point but tghew intense hate he had for me, he looked at me like I disgusted him and he he would wnat nothing moe thna for me to just disapper and never appear again.

"She… she was trying to sed… seduce you and steal you from me" I whimpered and a starled scream almost left my lips as he raised his hands at me. Stopping himslef just in time. He looked around and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the restaurant and out into wear the cars where parked. Throwing me away the moment we were away from an audience.

I staggered away from him and my body trembel so much I almost fell in those heels. He walked towards me with staight determined steps, his eyes spitting fire. Slamming his hands aganist the boot of the car I was starpped aganist he growled.

"What did ypu just do? Who the hell do you think you are to empty you galss of water on somebody else? And what did you say? She was going ot steal you from me?" Asher asked. "When did I ever belong to you? Why the hell are you acting out? You used to be quiet and compliant, pretty stupiod but at least you made yourself scarce! Why are you now acting out? Tell me!"

My lips trembled and fear coursed through my viens filling my head and my chest, painfully if I might add. "It's because I like you!"

Asher's eyes widened and he began to laugh, stepping backward his shoulders moved with the force of his laughter and in an instant he was aganist me again, a grip full of my hair in his hands, he pulled my head backward.

I winced, trying to get away from him but he held me in place, pulling out roots and root of my hair. "Are you mad?" Was what he asked me, "you really are a fool, you like me?" Leaning down he whispered in my ear and by the time he stepped backwards I was trmeblng so much I fell to the ground, wacthing his back as he walked away.

Before I knew it I felt something moist and when I looked down I saw that I had already wet myself.


"Isabelle? Are you okay?" Melanie asked, getting up form the couch she sat on across us, she walked to where I stood away from Asher. "My goodness, you are trembling!" She excalimed.

My gaze finanlly met Asher and a tear fell down my eyes, he brows creased and his eyes narrowed as he stared at me but at this point i was too confused and absolutely too terrified to remain in his line of sight.

"I'm sorry I can't do this" I muttered, turning to dash out of the studio, I ripped off the microphone as I walked inot the dressing room, and immediately began to pack up my stuff. What the hell was that memory? I hadn't remembered it before today, and it seemed like a pretty important thing to remember, if I had any recollection of that before I would never have antagonized Asher. I mean, what the hell have I done?!

"Isabelle what the hell?"

That voice! Spinning around I saw Asher stomping into the room with angry eyes, but it wasn't the one I just saw in my memories. "I'm sorry, I feel sick i need to go." I stated grabbing my purse I started to walk awya but he stepped in front of me, blocking my access.

"You are not leaving here without an explanation. Do you have any idea what you have just done? That was live!"

I shut my eyes and fisted my plams by my side, "Stop yelling at me!"

"What? I should stop yelling at you? Then stop getting on my nerves, what is wronhg with you, why do you always try to destroy me? Huh? You are just a plague." He spat angrily and my snapped opne and I stared at him.

Angry seeping into my fear and pumping my fear riddled brain with just enough adrenaline.

"Then why are you doing this? We clearly hate each other and you did say you would marry me over your dead body so why the hell did you now decide to get engaged to me out of the blue? Just end this and let us go our seperate ways then?" I said, huffing and puffing like the wolf that destroyed piglets houses.

"Are you mad?"

"Yes, i am, how can I not? You are the one lying to the whole country just to get the stocks of your company up, how can i not be mad for being used?"

"Used? After how you turned my family against me? you also do not want to get married to me, so why did you pretend to be nice to my family? Wasn't it because you wanted all the heat to be on me alone?"

"Fine, I did that but you a lot worse, is this the inly way to show your competence? By lying and forcing someone to get married to you? After all the years you spent studying?"


"What? Did i say anything wrong? I have a headache, get out of my way." I said, walking around hum and leaving, unaware of the bomb that would blow up so fatally in front of my face.