Are you supposed to be near children?


"Are you sure you can trust him?" Raphael asked me as I bit on my fingernails, my eyes had not left my computer since he walked in and you couldn't necessarily blame me, my result was due in like what? Thirty minutes? I was this far from hyperventilating.

"I don't have time for this right now, I have bigger problems Raphael and yes Mr. Ahn was literally the first person that saw me when I entered this world." I stated bluntly, "if anyone should betray me it would even most likely be Mr. Kim and we both know that would not happen so chill out."

"You do realize he was also the first person that saw your cousin Giselle enter the world right?" and he managed to do it, my eyes were torn off the screen and now widened towards him.

"I did not know that," I said my chest beginning to feel a funny way.

"He is literally the second-hand man for the Jins, it is common knowledge I feel like you made a mistake on this one," Raphael stated and my lips parted.