

Isabelle always looked like she was too innocent for this world, at least that was what I thought until I set my eyes on this princess beside me, I had so many questions but the top on my list was why she was in a wheelchair.

"Why are you still looking at me like that?" She asked, her big eyes blinking at me and I cleared my throat looking away.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Fourteen, you?"

I looked down at her and she giggled, "why can't I know how old you are? you are the person marrying my sister aren't you?"

"Twenty six, so how is school?"

She shrugged, "boring, I am homeschooled you see, too sick to go to a regular school so I don't have many friends and the ones I have are because Isabelle made some threats" she laughed, staring at her sister. I have never seen the way she looked at her sister anywhere else before, pure and unadulterated admiration.