More of a blessing than a curse


"You have everything, living like a princess from the moment you were born. I know you lived in only the best apartments and houses, even born abroad. You look like heaven yet no one will love you, what right do you have to tell me that love will come to me?" Mirabel spat viciously.

"Hey! Mirabel, I want to stop this low but since you started it. Isabelle isn't without love, if Asher doesn't love her I do, our parents did!" Marianne yelled back, glaring at her with a fury I never thought her capable of.

Looking at her, I wiped my cheek "stop it, Marianne, don't get yourself worked up."

Mirabel laughed, "but your parents are dead aren't they? And you, you're basically seating on death's door already. How sad is your life Isa-" her words were cut short by my plan across her face. My breathing came out in short puffs, she looked up at me… if looks could kill.