My, did success feel good.


"I got 298." The words had left my mouth but I still could not believe that I had that, that I had almost a perfect score! I did not only pass but I was… tears came to my eyes and for a second I wasn't in that room with all these people. Sitting opposite me wasn't a bald middle-aged man but rather my handsome father. His silky black hair smoothed backwards, he was smiling the way he always did, with the sides of his eyes wrinkling while most of his eyes disappeared behind his full but flat cheeks. His white pearly teeth on display, he was in a velvet tuxedo, the black bouncing off the silverware and the dimly lit room. He rose his hands up and the room resounded with the sound of his plans hitting each other. The pride was so evident from the twinkle in his eyes, a tinkle that had never gone away in my nineteen years of knowing my father.

"I knew you could do it, my dear dear daughter."