Don't you hate her?


"Sir you have a visitor," My secretary says to me through the phone on my desk and I frown. "A Mr. Fu, sir is here to see you."

"Mr. Fu? I don't know anyone by that name." I say, wondering who this person was, usually, they do not even let the people that have no appointments get into the main building, or are they calling from the reception?

"He doesn't have an appointment yet he refuses to leave before speaking to you."

"And security?"

"He is the general secretary of the Byun Group, I do not think it would be wise to kick him out of the building considering our relationship with the group." Byun health plus? Why didn't he just mention it from the start?

"Let him come up, do I have any appointments for this afternoon?"

"Yes sir."

"Push them back for about an hour," I say placing the phone back into the switchboard and after a short while I heard a knock on my door. It must be him, when he walked in I recognized the face in an instant. "You are Mr. Fu?"