

"Transmigrated? What rubbish are you talking about now? do you seriously believe in that crap?" She looked at me with shock and confusion all over her features, it was as if she actually believed what she was telling me, wow.

"Hey, why are you doing this? Do you really not know what I am talking about?" She asked, "or are you pretending?"

I laughed, "you are crazy."

"No, you are pretending aren't you? You think I wouldn't know?" She insisted and honestly I was done with this crap. Shoving her away I began to walk away but her grip on my arm prevented me from stepping forward, pulling me backward.

That was when the struggle began, push and pull. "Let go you psycho bitch!"

"No! You aren't going to treat me like a fool, I know all about it, and all about you!"

Both of us were huffing by the time we separated, "I know all about it, Anne-Marie!" She screamed and I shook my head who was Anne-Marie-