Chairman Quing is dead.

Marianne walked out of her high school giggling as her two best friends grabbed both her arms and leaned against her shoulders as they walked. Her smile vanished the moment she saw her sister a few steps away leaning against her car with sunglasses on.

"Hm? Isabelle is here" her friend said, and the three ladies stopped walking.

"I know this is not the first time I am seeing your sister but anytime I get jealous of your beautiful face I remember that there is still Isabelle. How can you two look like this, it is just not fair" the other friend shook her head.

"I know what I want to be when I grow up" the first one smiled, gesturing towards Isabelle, "she is my new ambition."

Marianne shook both girls off her shoulders, "I will be going first."

"Hey, wait we can hitch a ride with you and your sister!"