First love.

"Where is he? The boy that dared steal from me?" Xavier asked the first thing that left his mouth after he last spoke to Isabelle, a few hours ago. Looking up at his bodyguard he got up to follow his lead. "You kept him in the basement?"

"Little fucker seems to be too smart for his own good," the bodyguard said as they walked down the stairs. "It is safer to keep him here."

Eventually, Xavier stood before a young teenager struggling against the bonds that held him to his chair. "Lookup" he commanded in a chilly voice, forcing the boy to look up at him, hostility and fear in his eyes when his gaze met with Xavier's. "You don't look like a junkie, so why did you do it?"

"Do I have to explain that as well? I already told your... partners?" He said with a sly glance up at Xavier causing him to laugh, "You think I have partners?"

"Oh I see, you're the boss? You don't seem like the type, why are you selling drugs to high schoolers?" He sassed.