But I have only ever loved you

"Would you just stop talking" she hissed, "goddammit Sabine" she murmured under her breath.

But Asher had heard her, "what did you just say?"

She looked up at him, "it's none of your business, just go away I don't want to talk to you right now. I don't even want to look at you," she said. 

"Oh? That wasn't the case when you were basically eating my face yesterday" he retorted and Isabelle froze.

Her mouth opened and shut, then opened and shut before she cleared her throat and spoke, "I have no recollection of that whatsoever" she said matter of factly, and Asher called her on her bullshit.

"That is a horrible lie, what the hell is your deal? Why are you all over me one day and then acting like a bitch the next?" 

Isabelle scoffed, "it was a simple kiss and I was drunk, stop reading into it so much and the way you are overexaggerating it makes you look pathetic."

"Pathetic? Did you just say pathetic?" He laughed.