You are clearly a psychopath

Asher had not been able to take his eyes off Isabelle for a good reason. First, obviously, she was all that he thought about most of the time, then she was not with Shaun, but rather Brian and they seemed to be having such a good time. Then there was that moment when she held his gaze, Asher could not get that moment out of his head. It seemed surreal but for a moment he only felt seen by her, he always wanted her to pay attention to him, look at him with affection in her eyes, not the caution she so easily wore when he was near. It happened for mere seconds but he felt like in those few seconds there was an eternity. 

Yet, after that breath-stopping moment, she was laughing with Brian, he couldn't take it. He tried to stay away, think about anything else but it was like he was losing his mind. She was driving him crazy with all that- Was she blushing?