Asher still chooses you

Getting caught in a bomb blast was the last thing Isabelle expected but she forgot for a moment who she was going up against, and the fact was that it was even different this time because Giselle had a trick up their sleeve that no one knew about, something that surpassed even remembering her past life.


"Here, that would be 4.99, would you like to pay with your card?" 

"Can you take a break now?" Sabine jumped, turned around a let out a small scream.

"How long have you been there? How long have you been standing there?! How did you even get there?" She asked, in fright but Xavier dumped a hundred into the tip jar and pulled her out from behind the counter and even though she fought against him he had her standing outside in no time.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"You should celebrate, Isabelle is going to die today."

Sabine's brows furrowed, "what are you talking about?"