35 : The disastrous gala - PART 1 [ R18 ]

Aurore took the time to choose her best outfit for tonight's gala.

Usually, she was content with a simple dress without really trying to stand out, but tonight, the biggest tycoons of the country would be there.

That meant President Williams would be there too, so would Arnold.

It had been more than two weeks since she had heard from the dominant Alpha.

Even during their evening with friends, Arnold was absent. To tell the truth, Aurore wasn't that surprised. The man had always hated the parties organized by Hassan and hardly ever showed up unless he wanted to.

Tonight, Aurore was sure to see him. After all, Arnold adored his grandmother. If she was present, Arnold would most certainly follow her.

Aurore thought it was also an opportunity to get closer to the Williams clan. If she ever wanted to marry Arnold, she had to create a good bond with his family.

She chose to wear a long sky blue dress, which highlighted her curves. Her hair was cascading over her shoulders and she decided to go with soft makeup, which made her look innocent.

"- Wow!" exclaimed Hassan entering the room. "You are just...beautiful!"

Aurore smiled, satisfied. Hassan hugged her around the waist and they exchanged a hot kiss.

" - You turn me on," Hassan whispered to her, biting her lower lip.

" - We don't have time," Aurore chuckled feeling Hassan's hands groping her ass.

Hassan groaned, defeated.

"- Many shareholders and wealthy personalities will be here this evening", he said while adjusting his watch around his wrist. "This gala is partly an opportunity for them to raise funds. Many items will be auctioned off. Take the opportunity to chat with them and tell them about your agency. You are smart, investors will quickly fall into your basket."

" - I know," sighed Aurore now tensed.

" - Do you have people in mind?" Hassan asked her.

" - President Williams," Aurore replied honestly.

Hassan frowned slightly, rather confused.

" - Why don't you ask Arnold directly to tell his grandmother about you?" Hassan then asked.

" - I want to do it myself," she said while putting on her earrings.

In truth, she had already discussed her project with Arnold, but the latter had never really given opinions or shown any form of interest.

Lately, Aurore had hoped that Arnold would reply to her messages so that she could both see him and talk to him about the agency, but the man was in silence mode.

" - Well...he looks busy too," Hassan said.

" - Have you...have you heard from him?" Aurore asked hopefully.

Hassan shook his head and Aurore fought to not show her disappointment.

For some reasons, since she met the boys, she notices that Hassan and Arnold weren't really close to each other though Hassan always spoke well about Arnold.

" - Arnold's grandmother is a very observant and charming woman. She may seem nice, but she knows how to recognize the sneaky ones. So try not to show too much how much you need her help." Hassan told her.

Aurore did not only want the help of President Williams but she especially wanted to have her support. If the president liked her, she already had her ticket to join the Williams.

" - If you score well, Arnold's grandmother might even introduce you to President Ogata." Hassan said to her while tying his tie.

Aurore's heart skipped a beat.

Ogata? Was he talking about the most powerful family in the country ?

The Ogatas were so respected and adored that everyone on this earth knew them.

The Ogatas had the power to propel you upward with the snap of a finger just as they could destroy you with the blink of an eye.

The Ogatas were known for their integrity, their strong personality and above all for their abundant and inexhaustible wealth.

Aurore had gone to many galas and many parties and she had never seen the Ogatas in person. There was always a representative of the family, like a secretary or an employee.

"- The Ogatas will be there?" Aurore asked hastily.

" - The president, his wife and their only heir will be present tonight. " Hassan informed her.

"- Heir? You mean Akihito?" Aurore asked with her heart beating wildly.

Hassan nodded.

Aurore wanted to jump on the spot.

It was her chance ! She was going to do anything to put the Ogatas in her pocket.

Arnold had already told her about Akihito, though she never met him she believed Arnold wasn't lying. He said that Akihito was a very open-minded and polite person, contrary to rumors which caricatured him as a rotten hypocritical and spoiled child.

Aurore remembered that Arnold had a deep respect for Akihito.

Akihito was the biggest shareholder of the hotels founded by Arnold. And according to Arnold, his grandmother adored Akihito and treated him like her own grandson.

Aurore had to do everything to get Akihito's attention and make sure he invested in her agency.


" - I won't be home too late," Akihito said coaxing Haru.

They were sitting on the sofa. As always, Haru was on his lap, his face buried in the crook of his neck.

They were waiting for Pam, Mila and their son.

Akihito had to attend a very important auction tonight. He would have liked to take Haru with him, but the Omega was not very comfortable with other Alphas.

Still, he had asked Haru if he wanted to come. As predicted, the Omega had nervously refused his invitation.

Since this morning, Haru had been sticking to him, not wanting to let go of him.

Akihito wasn't complaining. He found his lover cute and enjoyed when Haru was acting spoiled.

On several occasions, he had almost called his mother to cancel, but this event was important for their project concerning freedom and the reinforced protection of Omegas.

He had called his sister last night, to see if she could keep Haru company.

Akihito trusted the omega but he didn't like knowing him alone at night. So he had asked Pam and Mila to stay with the young boy and dispatched some bodyguards outside the condo. Haru's safety was his priority.

Akihito was already ready. He wore a tailored midnight blue suit that hugged his firm torso and model size perfectly.

When Haru saw him come out of the room like that, he couldn't control his pheromones. Akihito laughed at the obvious excitement of his omega.

They had sat down in the living room to cuddle and kiss.

Without doing it on purpose, Haru left a mark on Akihito's neck. He panicked at first but Akihito gently reassured him, reminding him that he had the right to do this.

So...now, with his shirt open, exposing his torso and bulging muscles, Akihito was moaning weakly under Haru's little kisses.

The Omega was leaving many hickeys on his body, turned on by the low growls of his Alpha.

Akihito could feel his penis growing in his pants.

Pam was coming soon. So he had to hurry.

He pulled Haru against him and undid his belt to release his pulsating rod.

" - Touch me," he whispered into Haru's ear.

Cheeks burning, Haru did as he said.

Haru gently stroked the rod, teasing the tip with his soft finger.

Akihito was nibbling on his neck, alternating between suckling and biting.

Akihito then slipped his hand into Haru's pajamas.

His finger pressed the omega's wet hole, earning him a lewd moan.

He gently inserted his finger into the wet cavern on Haru's cry of pleasure and they pleasured each other until they came.

Afterwards, Akihito helped Haru clean himself then he quickly dressed up and combed his hair.

Pam and Mila arrived a few minutes later, with their young son.

Haru felt himself melt at the sight of the child and as always, he rushed towards Mila to take the baby in his arms.

Akihito let a sigh escape him. When Mila visited with her son, Haru almost forgot about Akihito's existence.

However, the alpha found Haru's behavior cute. The omega smiled more and seemed obsessed with the little baby.

Part of him couldn't wait to have a child with the omega, but the other part wanted to wait, to be able to fully monopolize his lover as much as he wanted.

" - I'm going," Akihito said as he put on his coat. "I made Haru's favorite drink. It's in the fridge. His meds are in the master room." he then said to his sister.

Pam nodded.

" - I'll try to get home early," he continued as he opened the door.

Suddenly, he felt someone tug gently on his coat. He then came face to face with the worried and sad eyes of his omega.

" - I'll call you once there," Akihito said.

He leaned down to kiss Haru's forehead.

" - Have fun. I love you," he whispered next.

Haru blushed while smiling at him. He rose on his tiptoes to place a quick, timid kiss on Akihito's mouth.

The alpha chuckled softly then he joined Zaizen who was waiting for him near the elevator.


Flore watched Arnold as he buttoned the sleeve of his shirt.

He gazed at the Alpha's muscles and handsome face. Even though his relationship with Arnold was rocky, he couldn't deny that the Alpha was extremely sexy, even more in that midnight black suit.

Arnold was on the phone talking in French with the person on the other end of the line. Flore found it even sexier. He discreetly cleared his throat when Arnold met his undressing gaze.

Flore then dived back into preparing his dinner.

" - You really don't want to come?" Arnold asked him again after hanging up.

"- What for? Are you going to introduce me as the whore you locked up in your house for three months?" Flore asked, inexpressive, while cutting slices of tomatoes.

" - Flore… " Arnold complained.

Flore looked up at last, only to see the pain in the Alpha's eyes.

He sighed and admitted:

"- Hassan will be there. I don't want to see him."

He turned around, facing the pot, to make sure the pasta he was boiling wasn't too soft.

To be honest, he was flattered that Arnold wanted him to accompany him to this gala. But Flore wasn't just ready to face Hassan. If he could, he would avoid him forever.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Arnold wrapped his arms around his waist. Flore did not push him away. Arnold rested his chin on the omega's shoulder and said in a whisper:

" - I wouldn't have let him approach you or even look at you. I would have held your hand and introduced you as the most important person to me. I wouldn't let anyone disrespect you, and I would have made sure that you smile all night."

Flore couldn't help but smile. The heat that spread in his cheeks was very familiar to him. For the past few days, he had been having trouble getting mad at the alpha. Besides, he hadn't broken anything since Arnold's mother and grandmother visited.

They weren't at the lovey-dovey stage, but Flore no longer found Arnold so intrusive and annoying.

" - I'm an omega," Flore reminded him more seriously. "Unless I come from a rich family, no one is going to respect me."

" - They will." Arnold assured. "Not because you're with me, but because you're smart and…rather evil."

They both chuckled.

" - I don't want to let you alone," Arnold said as he inhaled Flore's scent.

He nuzzled into his neck, making the omega shivered from his hot breath and his cold nose.

" - I'm not alone," laughed Flore. "You asked Emma to stay with me and I know you hired two bodyguards."

" - Clever."

" - Observant. You should go."

" - I will if you kiss me," Arnold whined softly.

Flore sighed. Nevertheless, he turned to face Arnold and pecked the corner of his mouth, as if he was teasing the alpha.

" - That's cheating," Arnold said with a frown.

" - You started first," Flore responded with a cheeky smile.

Arnold let out a laugh. This omega was indeed cheeky and that's why he had always love him.

" - Don't sleep too late," Arnold said as he walk back to the living room.

" - And don't cheat on me," Flore said." I might be yours for three months but don't forget during that time, you're mine."

Arnold smiled widely, happy to hear it though it seemed like a warning from the omega. At least, it was somehow romantic.

Arnold came back and hugged the omega again. He was too happy. Flore didn't hug him back. He just patted him on the back but Arnold settled for that.


A loud noise echoed through the room.

Silas' head had spun violently from the slap. His lip had torn open, letting hot blood drip weakly.

His older brother was now pacing, rage burning in his eyes.

" - How could you invest in a project that won't work!?" choked Satoh, Silas' older brother.

" - It will work," Silas insisted. "I trust my..."

He couldn't finish his sentence when he received another slap from Satoh.

" - Please! Shut up! " his brother yelled on edge. "For now, we have to find investors."

Satoh fixed his hair and said:

" - The Ogatas will be present tonight. Dad has been doing business with them for years. I will discuss the project with them. You better keep your mouth shut there and let me do the work !" Satoh told him in a menacing tone.

Silas glanced towards his brother's secretary, a strict but beautiful young woman. Unfazed, she was waiting for Satoh.

Silas knew for years already that she was her brother's mistress.

Long before meeting Haru, Silas had an affair with a maid in the family home.

He had then seen his brother having sex with his secretary in the kitchen.

Silas remembered the stoic woman's expression of ecstasy. He still remembered her moans and her wet pussy sensually and greedily devouring his brother's cock.

Their father was very attached to Veronica, Satoh's wife.

He had always treated her like his daughter. If their father knew that Satoh was cheating on Veronica, there will be blood.

Silas intended to use this information at the right time, for now he was going to pretend he didn't know anything.

" - What are you still doing here!? " Yelled Satoh. "Go get ready for the gala!"

Silas didn't delay and stormed out of his brother's office.

He went back to his room and then went to his desk. He opened his laptop. The screen showed his brother's office. Silas had cameras installed in the room.

He began to record everything that happened there.

[ "- That little bastard!" complained Satoh. "He can't do anything!"

" - Calm down darling," cooed the secretary as she caressed Satoh's chest. "Soon the company will be yours. In the meantime, be patient." she said.

Satoh watched her for a moment. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the neck as if he was going to strangle her, but instead he kissed her languidly.

She responded with small moans while opening his fly. She pulled the limp dick out of the pants and squatted down.

She sucked the member into her mouth, making Satoh moan.

Eventually they started fucking like crazy on the desk and in the couch.

Satoh called her names, yelling at her to squeeze her pussy or to scream his name.

The secretary complied in cries of pleasure. Legs apart, she was being screwed to the point of screaming as if she was in heat, though she was only a mere beta.]

Silas tapped silently the flat surface of the table, imagining his father's face when he will see these records.

But for now, he had to make sure the Ogatas will backed him up when the Kanzaki empire was about to crumble.