38 : Fears { TW : TRAUMA, self harm } [ R18 ]

When Arnold arrived home, he only saw Emma.

The latter wanted to ask him about his appearance but she didn't dare.

After telling Arnold that Flore had had a bit of a fever before going to bed, Emma decided to go home.

Arnold hurried to take a shower. Once changed, he returned to the living room and turned on his cell phone, which he had turned off in the car, annoyed by Aurore's incessant calls.

As soon as he turned on the device, he received a call from his grandmother. Arnold pondered a bit before answering:

"- Grandma..."

" - *sign* Are you home ?"

" - Yes."

" - Are you okay ?"

" - Kind of…"

" - *silence* Does...Hassan have something to do with Flore?"

Arnold was not surprised that his grandmother had it all figured out.

" - I suspected it," she told him in front of his silence. "This girl is not to your liking."

Arnold smiled. Aurore was indeed not his type.

"- Does Flore know?"

" - He doesn't know yet that I fought with Hassan tonight but he knows that I had an affair with Aurore."

"- Hun... Cut me off all contact with that girl. I'll take care of Mrs. Taha. The Tahas may be close friends of the family, but I refuse to associate myself with that kind of person."

" - Yes, grandma."

" - Do something about Hassan and his fiancée. Stop hurting Flore if you love him."

" - I promised."

Arnold slumped on the couch, one arm across his face.

His body was hurting him all over. Even if Arnold was stronger than Hassan, tonight, he hadn't given all his strength. He had preferred to let Hassan have the upper hand. After all, the man was already devastated by his fiancee's infidelity. However, his grandmother was right. Hassan had to pay for what he had done to Flore.

Arnold was about to fall asleep when he heard a crash coming from upstairs.

He rushed to Flore's room and bursted into it.

He wobbled and immediately covered his nose with his arm.

The room was drowned in Flore's pheromones.

Arnold turned on the light. Broken glass littered the floor and water wet the carpet. He also noticed traces of blood.

Arnold looked around the room but he couldn't find Flore.

He started to worry. Even though Flore's scent wafted all over the room, Arnold was able to resist. But since Flore was his fated pair, he had a little trouble not feeling the arousing effect of the scent. His canines were already itching and he could feel his member slowly swell in his tracksuit.

Arnold was about to leave the bedroom when he heard a noise coming from the closet.

He walked over to it slowly and gently opened the two doors.

Flore suddenly threw himself on him, trying to plant a piece of glass in his chest.

Arnold managed to push him away and Flore stumbled.

Very quickly the omega got up and ran to hide in a corner of the wall, his arms wielding the piece of glass which gnawed at the palms of his hands until they bled.

Flore was sweating. His light pajamas clung to his pink skin, allowing Arnold to see his erect nipples and his hard penis which wet his shorts. A clear liquid was already wetting his buttocks and his legs.

Flore was in heat.

He was panting and his watery gaze was threatening Arnold.

The alpha stood up and Flore barked:

"- Don't come near me !!"

Arnold froze. He didn't want to scare Flore any more than he already was.

" - Don't come near," repeated the omega.

His blood was running down his small arm and dripping from his elbow. He looked exhausted.

" - Flore... " Arnold breathed softly, noticing that the boy had trouble keeping his eyes open.

Flore braced himself at the sound of Arnold's voice. His body was screaming at him to throw himself into this man's arms. But Flore refused to succumb.

" - I won't come near but please put that piece of glass down. You're hurting yourself," Arnold said worried.

He had to stay calm. For Flore.

"- I don't believe you! You alphas are all the same! You are monsters!!! As soon as I let my guard down, you will attack me!" Flore yelled annoyed.

" - I will not," reassured Arnold, confident.

" - I do not believe you !" Flore insisted in a vibrating voice.

"- Flore... You know me. I don't..."

" - I knew Hassan too! " Flore stopped him now in tears.

However, he wasn't crying.

" - He said he would protect me. He made me believe that my nightmare was over! But..."

Flore choked on a sob.

Arnold clenched his jaw, regretting not beating Hassan to death.

"- Alphas are all pigs!" Flore hissed again, enraged. "You're just bastards who don't care about hurting others! You treat omegas like your service whores! You're not human! I hate you! I hate you all!!!!" he howled.

Arnold waited for Flore to catch his breath. Despite everything the omega had just said, he wasn't angry and didn't feel the need to correct him.

" - You're right," Arnold said taking a step towards Flore.

" - Don't move !" yelled the omega.

" - Alphas are not humans," Arnold continued, as he was approaching despite Flore's cries. "We are monsters, so..."

He grabbed both of Flore's hands and pointed the piece of glass at his own heart.

" - Kill me."

Enraged Flore let his tears wet his cheeks. He tried to pull his hands away but Arnold insisted on keeping them.

"- Kill me Florence,"

Flore stopped moving. He looked into Arnold's sad eyes.

" - But...promise me you'll be happy afterwards," the alpha whispered.

Flore's face gradually crumbled and he began to cry, bawling his eyes out as he dropped the piece of glass.

"- Waaaaahhhh!!! Waaaaaaahhh !!! " he cried in tears.

Arnold gently brought the omega into his arms and stroked his back. He had to take it upon himself not to cry in turn, while he was hugging Flore's trembling body.

After crying a lot, Flore was lethargic. Eyes dead, he was staring into space, suffocating from time to time.

"- Let's take a bath," Arnold said softly to Flore.

The omega did not answer him.

Arnold took Flore's hand and they both headed for the shower.

Arnold turned on the hot water and undressed the still absent omega. He decided to shower with Flore, not wanting to leave him alone.

Both naked, they were standing under the hot water. Arnold observed Flore's small penis still erect. The omega was not reacting to anything at the moment.

So Arnold decided to wash it off, ignoring Flore's swollen member.

He soaped Flore's body and even shampooed his hair.

Once they had taken a shower, Arnold dried Flore and helped him change. After putting some clothes himself, he treated Flore's injured hands. Then he decided to take Flore to his own room.

The omega was still erect and seemed far from here.

Arnold prepared the bed, then he guided Flore under the duvet. The little one obeyed him without fighting and Arnold cuddled him up.

After a while, Arnold let his pheromones escape. He didn't want to touch Flore when the omega refused to be touched. So he hoped at least his pheromones could help the omega relax.

He began to caress Flore's arm while whispering to him that everything was fine.

A few minutes later, Flore was finally calmer and there. Arnold knew because the omega had turned around and was actually looking at him now.

Flore raised his hand and touched the small wound on Arnold's lip.

"- I fought against…Hassan," Arnold confessed.

Flore stiffened. Arnold hastened to stroke his back and then his hair.

" - We'll talk about it tomorrow," whispered Arnold.

He ventured to place a kiss on Flore's forehead. The latter did not push him away, even appreciating the feeling.

" - You… don't you find me disgusting?" Flore suddenly asked him.

Arnold froze and stared at the omega. Flore avoided his gaze, looking hurt.

" - You are the most beautiful person I know," the alpha replied sincerely.

"- You don't have to lie," Flore muttered.

" - I'm not lying. From the very first time, I have never regretted that you were my destined mate. You were adorable then and you are even more so today. From the beginning, my heart keep beating for you," Arnold said.

On his last sentence, he took Flore's hand and placed it on his heart.

"- See? It's fast because of you," Arnold whispered.

Indeed, the alpha's heartbeat was fast as if its was dancing endlessly.

" - But...my...my body is dirty," Flore said, clutching Arnold's t-shirt. " They... got me dirty," he continued in tears. "They stole my innocence, they destroyed my confidence and..."

He started crying.

" - And... Where were you that night?" asked Flore in tears. "I prayed for you to come and save me! " he said as he punched Arnold with a small and soft fist. " I prayed and you never heard me! You never came! " he said as he kept hitting Arnold with his trembling fist. " If you were my fated pair you..."

" - I'm sorry... I'm really sorry," Arnold pleaded as he took Flore's bandaged hands in his to kiss them. "I love you Flore. I love you so much," Arnold told him while kissing his little hands. "Every day... I resist this urge to take you in my arms, to devour your lips and your neck. This body that you possess, I love it Flore. Never doubt it,"

Flore approached Arnold and stroked his cheek. He rubbed his nose gently against his and then pressed his hot lips to the alpha's cool lips.

His heart was pounding. Arnold secured a strong arm around the omega and pulled him closer.

Their lips brushed and danced with each other. Flore closed his eyes and opened his mouth, inviting the alpha to deepen the kiss.

Arnold smiled and slid his tongue into the omega's wet mouth. Flore moaned. He wrapped his arms around the alpha's neck and the soft, hesitant kiss quickly turned hot and exciting.

Arnold gently rolled Flore over and found himself on top of the omega moaning in his mouth. Flore began to move his hips, enjoying Arnold's weight on his body and against his crotch.

Arnold straightened up to remove his pajama top. Flore was flushed and his lips were moist and swollen. His penis was erect and Arnold's too.

Arnold released Flore's small rod. The organ was white as snow and the tip was a greedy and erotic pink.

The alpha then pulled his pulsating cock out of his pajama bottoms. His cock was long and heavy.

Flore was excited. He wanted the alpha in him. He only thought about that.

Thinking the omega was still scared, Arnold leaned down to kiss him and said:

" - I wil not put it in. Not tonight."

Flore was going to retort but suddenly he felt Arnold stroking both their rod together.

Flore began to moan, his chest pushed forward. He spread his legs and moved his hips to better feel Arnold's burning organ against his.

Then he started shaking and said:

"- I'm going to cum "

Arnold then accelerated his hand's movements. He stroked his cock against Flore's while kissing the omega who wrapped his legs around his waist.

Arnold groaned when he felt his orgasm coming. Flore screamed with pleasure and climaxed deliciously. Arnold squirted his cum all over Flore's belly. Then he kissed the omega more gently not wanting to break away from him.

" - We should use a condom next time. We made a mess, " murmured Flore with a mischievous smile.

Arnold chuckled.

" - We should," he replied before kissing the omega again.