41 : Lost everything

"- How can you be so stupid ?!" shouted Aurore's mother, hitting the table. " You had only one job ! Secure yourself a nice husband ! And you just screwed it up !!"

Aurore was standing in front of her mother. Several days had passed since the gala, and until today, her mother didn't show up to reprimand her. She thought news didn't reach her ears yet, but eventually, Mrs Taha called her mother who sped up her work abroad to come back home and now she was yelling at her only daughter since twenty minutes.

" - You knew full well that the Taha family is well known in distribution and you just fucked up ! I never asked you to love Hassan and I know you and him were fucking anyone as if you can't control yourself, but how could you just jump on President Williams' grandchild ? Do you really think this man loves you ?!"

Aurore clenched her fists. She knew she screwed up. She knew it but her heart was already heartbroken. Did she really have to listen to this ? Her mom couldn't just console her like any ordinary mother ?

" - Mrs Taha doesn't want to invest in your agency anymore," Aurore's mother sighed. " What are you going to do next ? We have to pay the loan and reimburse all the product ! With what you did, no one would want to buy your cosmetics. Words gonna travel back and forth between high class Alphas. Your business is out !"

" - I can fix it," Aurore stated.

" - How ?! Hassan doesn't want to see you anymore and he was the only one capable enough to help you with your agency !" Her mother said irritated.

" - When I was there I met the son of the Ogata." Aurore said, confident.

Her mother raised an eyebrow before she started to laugh as if Aurore just cracked the joke of the year.

" - You're kidding, right ?! You really think the son of the Ogata will help you ?" she finally asked.

" - I think he will…"

" - How can you be so sure ?"

" - He seemed interested in me," Aurore stated.

That night at the gala, she was certain that Akihito was checking her out. His gaze was burning while he was staring at her. She was sure that he would help her if she played a bit with her charm.

" - You're really crazy," Aurore's mother laughed.

Aurore furrowed her eyebrows.

" - Akihito is not interested in you. I will be happy if he is but he's not ! This man doesn't have time for this type of shit !"

" - I can try and ask him ! I…"

" - It's easier to ask the Taha for forgiveness!" her mom yelled.

" - I… I don't love Hassan mom ! I'm tired to pretend that I'm in love with him ! The one I love is Arnold and…"

" - Did he call you ? " her mother asked her.

Aurore clenched her jaw. No. He didn't. She tried to call Arnold but her calls didn't connect. She visited the hotel where he must stay but every time they told her that he wasn't there.

If she could just talk to him…

" - He didn't, right ?! Open your eyes Aurore ! If this man was into you, he would come here and ask your hand or at least tell me why he did what he did knowing full well you were engaged to his friend. But he didn't and you know why ? Because you're not important for him. "

Aurore wanted to scream that it wasn't true but she couldn't. Her mother would surely slap her or yell louder.

Her mother did not know Arnold. The man was cold but he was nice with Aurore or at least he was nicer to her than with other girls.

Arnold might be angry because Hassan beat him but he wouldn't cut her out of his life. She refused to believe that.

" - For now, take a rest and don't do anything stupid. I will try to talk to Mrs Taha. " her mother said before she left.

Aurore sank into the sofa. She took out her phone and tried to call Arnold again. And just like this morning, the call didn't go through.

He was still angry. She understood. Until then, she hadn't had enough courage to break up with Hassan and they fought for her. But now she wanted to be in an open relationship with Arnold. She wanted to tell him the big news. She couldn't wait to tell her friends about it.

But first, she had to meet Arnold and his family. Aurore stood up determined. That's what she was going to do. She was going to see old lady Williams and Arnold's parents.

She ran to her room to get ready and dressed in a pretty dress then she drove to the Williams' mansion.

Once there, she had to wait because President Williams - Arnold's grandmother - her son and daughter-in-law were not there. Aurore didn't want to wait outside so she told the main butler that she was Arnold's girlfriend.

The butler seemed to doubt her.

" - If Arnold knows you treat me like that, he'll fire you," she said irritably.

The butler hesitated but finally he let her into the mansion and asked her to wait in the splendid living room.

She was sitting with all the servants looking at her. She asked the butler for a coffee and then she played with her phone.

The mansion was big. Bigger than the Taha's. Everything was shining and Aurore couldn't help smiling. She could totally live here.

One of the maids served her a plate of beautiful cakes and cookies. Without a thank you, Aurore stared at the girl. For a simple maid, she was cute and all smiles. Now that Aurore had looked at her properly, she was rather young. Aurore thought that once married to Arnold she would lay off or relocate the betas who were working here. She couldn't let other women look at her man.

Ten minutes later, the president and Arnold's parents finally arrived.

Aurore stood up, a tad bit anxious but excited.

Laughter soon invaded the room and the old lady came in while talking to a young man that Aurore had never seen, but whose face seemed familiar to her.

Arnold's parents were both laughing at something Aurore hadn't heard.

When they noticed her, Aurore greeted them with a polite bow.

Startled, they exchanged a concerned look before the butler came to whisper something to the old president.

Arnold's grandmother changed from all smiles to a neutral expression.

They decided to join Aurore in the living room.

" - President Williams", greeted Aurore with another polite nod. "I am Aurore Legrand. "

Aurore couldn't help looking at the young boy with them. He looked really familiar. She could tell he was an omega.

The omega sat next to the president and helped himself to cakes and cookies. Aurore frowned.

" - Take a sit," said Arnold's mother - Nell - as the butler served them tea, coffee and a glass of juice for the omega.

Aurore sat down in front of them. The omega naturally sat between Nell and Arnold's grandmother. Even Arnold's father smiled tenderly at the boy, as if he was his own son. Maybe he was?

Even though she hated omega, she thought she should be nice to the boy just in case.

" - What brings you here?" Nell asked, patting the omega's back gently, when he started coughing.

" - I… I apologize for my impromptu visit. I wanted to meet Arnold but I couldn't," Aurore replied sincerely.

When he heard Arnold's name, the omega looked up to face Aurore.

The boy looked gorgeous with his wavy black hair and flawless skin. Aurore couldn't help but be irritated.

"- Arnold went abroad," the president replied. "He will be back in two days."

Aurore nodded, relieved. That's why she couldn't contact him.

She opened her mouth to say something but the secretary of Nell and Kyle - Arnold's father - came to tell them that an important call was waiting for them.

Aurore closed her mouth as she watched them discuss.

"- Excuse us for a second, " said the president to Aurore.

She replied with a smile.

" - We'll be back soon," said the president to the omega with a motherly smile.

The omega simply nodded. Aurore saw the president whisper something to the butler before he came to stand behind the omega.

There was only Aurore, the omega and the butler in the living room with two other maids.

Aurore observed the omega who was still eating the cakes. HER cakes.

She looked at his small size. He was wearing a large white hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

Aurore frowned as she remembered that hoodie. Arnold once showed up at London's home, wearing that same hoodie.

Aurore was about to ask the omega where did he find his clothes when she remembered where she had seen him.

At the SS club. When she went there with Hassan and Arnold to find Silas, she saw the boy, although he was practically naked back then.

She relaxed thinking that maybe, the omega was someone from the charity that the president loved so much.

Aurore never liked that kind of thing. Too much work. Moreover, giving her time and money to omegas did not appeal to her.

" - Another drink Mrs ?" The butler asked.

" - No, thank you," both the omega and Aurore replied at the same time.

Aurore frowned but gave a small smile to the butler.

" - I'm okay," she said at the butler.

She was the future Mrs of this house. How could this omega thought the butler was talking to him ?

" - Actually I was asking him," the butler said to Aurore.

Aurore's heart skipped a beat and she blushed, embarrassed.

" - I don't need anything. Thank you Charles," the omega mumbled.

" - Still, it's time for your medecine. I'll bring you a glass of water," the butler replied as he gestured to a maid to bring water for the omega.

" - Are you sick ?" Aurore asked to the omega.

Probably an infection due to too much sex, she thought.

" - Anxiety," the omega answered back, after taking his pills.

" - Why are you here ?" Aurore asked.

" - I'm living here," the omega said.

Aurore was thinking.

" - And who are you ?" She finally asked.

" - Flore," the omega replied.

" - You're working for the SS club right ? I saw you there once," Aurore said with disdain. " Do they know it here ?"

" - It's none of your business, right ?" Flore retorted without much attention.

He was still focused on the cakes. Aurore clenched her teeth.

" - It might be. Don't you know who am I ?"

" - You just introduced yourself earlier," Flore said back.

" - I'm Arnold's girlfriend," Aurore stated proudly.

Flore stopped eating and stared at her.

" - Soon I'm gonna be part of this family," she continued with a wide smile.

Flore frowned.

" - I don't know about Arnold but having a prostitute living with me and my husband is out of the question. So enjoy your stay for now because it's not going to last. " Aurore said before sipping her coffee.

" - Grandma is the great master of this mansion," Flore said. " You don't have your say."

" - For now. If I don't like something, Arnold will take action, don't worry. "

" - You're really rude," Flore rolled his eyes.

" - I just want you to be aware of this. Don't think you can stay here all your life," Aurore said coldly.

" - If you're his girlfriend, how come he never talk about you ?" Flore asked with a mischievous smile. " Are you sure you're not delusional?"

" - Don't pick a fight with me," Aurore replied with the same smile. " A slut should stay at her place. I might have mercy for you if you leave this place before Arnold comes back."

Flore just let out a small laugh.

" - It's going to be hard. He wants me to wait for him," Flore said.

Aurore's blood was boiling in her veins. She was about to snap out when Nell came back.

" - I'm sorry it was work," she said as she took place next to Flore.

The chairman came back too. Only Kyle, Arnold's father, stayed behind to work.

" - So, Miss Legrand, you can just call my son if you need his help for something." Nell said.

" - I… I didn't want to interrupt his work. But yesterday when I visited his hotel they told me he was home. So I thought I could just come and talk to him. I didn't know he was abroad," Aurore's explained.

" - He's not living here anymore," Nell said with a genuine confused look.

Aurore became more and more red. She couldn't admit that she didn't know Arnold's address.

" - Well, he went abroad three days ago after letting this baby with us," Nell continued as she smiled at Flore while playing with his hair.

Flore blushed and gave her a sweet smile.

" - Letting… " Aurore mumbled.

" - You could meet him in two days when he will pick Flore up. " The chairman said while sipping her cool tea.

Aurore stared at Flore, who seemed to be making fun of her.

" - What does that mean ? Arnold and him are… living together ?" Aurore asked, trying her best not to explode.

Nell nodded.

" - They're fated pair," Nell said matter of facts.

Aurore almost chocked with her saliva.

" - Do you have any important business with him ?" Nell asked the girl curiously.

Actually, Nell already knew who she was. Aurore was the ex fiancée of Hassan. Words came to her ears that they broke off their engagement not long after the gala. Arnold already explained everything to his parents and his grandmother. He told them to protect Flore in case Hassan showed up, or Aurore, saying that the latter was kind of living in her imagination.

So since the beginning, Flore knew who she was when she introduced herself.

Flore wasn't the type to be irritated when it came to Arnold but for some reasons, he didn't like that girl. First of all, she was rude and second she was saying nonsense as if Arnold's family was already hers.

" - I… " Aurore hesitated.

If this omega was his fated pair so that meant she was discarded ? Impossible. Arnold didn't like omega. Even during their parties, when Arnold was there, he only slept with the beta girls and sometimes the alphas girls who were there.

So Flore must be lying right ? Even if it wasn't the case, Arnold was sleeping with her ! Though it was almost two months since they didn't do anything but, she knew that Arnold was just busy. Soon enough, he will come back to her. For now, she had to play it cool.

" - I wanted to talk to him about the next step," Aurore said confidently.

" - What do you mean ?" Nell asked.

" - She said she's Arnold's girlfriend," Flore interjected.

Aurore raised her eyebrows, shocked that the boy acknowledged it.

" - It's true," Aurore confirmed.

" - You're dating my son ?" Nell asked.

Her mother in law was drinking her tea in silent. She did smile when Flore talked but now she was more than serious.

" - We are," Aurore insisted.

" - He never told us," Nell said.

" - It's… because I was already engaged with someone else and I wanted to free myself first before making it official. " Aurore explained, tensed up.

Nell and her mother in law exchanged a look.

" - What do you think ?" Nell asked Flore.

The omega just shrugged of.

" - I should call him," he said then, as he took his phone out of his pocket.

Aurore frowned again and clenched her teeth.

Flore put the speaker and called Arnold. There was only one ring tone and the alpha answered immediately.

Aurore bit her lip, angry. She was trying to contact the man for days and a fucking omega called him and he responded without delay.

" - Sweety !" Arnold exclaimed happily.

Aurore turned pale when she heard the tender nickname that the alpha had given to the omega.

" - I thought you were never going to call me. I almost cried you know !" Arnold said with a pouty voice.

Flore's cheeks flushed when Arnold's grandmother let out a small laugh.

" - Did you miss me ? I miss you, you know !" Arnold exclaimed with so much happiness that Flore regretted to call him.

Aurore was flabbergasted. Arnold never treated her like that. When they met, they would fool around in bed and Arnold would then go to work. They didn't really talk to each other. Aurore did talk a lot but Arnold was a real mystery and wouldn't share anything with her. Aurore thought it was because the alpha was like that but now, she had the prove that he was just cold with her…

" - There's some girl here who's claiming that you're dating her," Flore said, cutting the alpha in his rumbling.

" - Argh…" Arnold sighed. " If it's Aurore just ignored her."

Aurore's heart skipped a painful beat.

" - I already told you. I had never been serious with anyone but you." Arnold pursued, not knowing that Aurore was there. " Look," Arnold continued on Flore's silence. " I promised to never cheat on you. You remember ? I will keep my words. You're the only one for me Flore."

Flore was as red as a tomato.

" - I'll come back soon. Wait for me Sweety !"

" - Hum…" Flore replied shyly.

He heard the alpha chuckled before he hung up.

" - I don't know what is your story with my son," Nell started as she put her cup in the table. " But as you can see, Flore is the one my son is in a relationship with."

In truth, Flore and Arnold weren't together, although the alpha treated him as his lover. But Flore didn't want to contradict Mrs Williams. He wanted to show Aurore who Arnold really belonged to.

" - I… I…" Aurore stuttered on the verge of tears.

" - I know my son hurt you. But he doesn't want you. You should move on and reflect on your acts. Even so… knowing my son, I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything to let you think he was in love with you. "

Aurore wanted to defend herself but she couldn't say anything. The only proof she had were in her memories. And it was the time they had sex together. Nothing more and nothing less. It was true that Arnold didn't give her some sweet nicknames, it was true that he would never called her back unless she keep calling until he was in the mood to answer and it was true that most of the time, she invited herself in his hotel room. But Arnold had never refused her and he would let her sleep in the room until the next day. And when she fought with Hassan he let her stay in the hotel with him, though he would never sleep next to her in bed even after sex. Aurore knew she was kind of living in her dreams but… she really thought Arnold was a bit in love with her. Otherwise, why would he risk his friendship with Hassan and kept sleeping with her ??? She was convinced that she mattered a little in his eyes. But for now, she had no words.

Afterwards, Aurore just went back home. She spent the rest of her day crying in her bed. Now she was alone… Hassan was angry with her and Arnold had already replaced her with a slutty omega.

She couldn't lost everything. She had to do something but what ? She was going to do anything to get back what she had lost.