69 : Don’t be happy { TW : Mention of drugs and suicidal behavior }

" - YOU SON OF THE BITCH !!!" Satoh screamed as he entered Silas' bedroom, waking up his little brother.

Silas jumped out of his bed, in cold sweat.

Satoh almost broke the door when he came. Behind him, Silas' personal butler was making a sorry face, signaling to his master that he tried to stop Satoh from coming.

" - What's wrong ?" Silas finally sighed as he wrapped himself with his nightgown.

" - What's wrong ?!!??? " Satoh was fuming.

He seemed more angry than when he heard his own grandfather kicked Dana out. Since then Satoh was too preoccupied to conquer back his wife's heart who refused to see him since she knew he was cheating. Not that she didn't know about it from the beginning, but she was ashamed that her husband got caught by the Ogata Clan.

" - Didn't you say he was dead ?!??? " Satoh growled.

" - Who ?" Silas asked as he tried to follow the conversation.

His head was still hazy from his long night at work. He slept for one hour before his brother decided to ruin his sleep and his mood.

" - This omega ! Haru !! "

Silas' heart skipped a beat and he froze.

" - This crazy Reinz ! I knew someday he would screw everything ! "

" - What Reinz did !??" Silas choked back his dismay. " Why are you talking about Haru !? "

Satoh frowned before he laughed.

" - So you don't know anything even though you're working with him !"

He kept laughing, openly mocking his little brother. " Your precious fated partner is alive ! I thought Dana was crazy when she said Akihito's omega looked like your omega but now I'm sure she was not wrong."

" - I don't understand.." Silas said, his breathing was now fast and disorderly. " Dana had never seen Haru."

" - Dana was providing clients. She had never seen him in person but she had a glimpse of his picture and personal information when he was here with you. " Satoh explained.

He sighed and let himself fall on a chair, then he continued :

" - Reinz is in jail for attempted murder and medical abuse. And guess who he tried to do shit with ? Your Haru. Seems like he's alive."

" - How is that possible ? He… he was on the verge of…"

" - I don't know. You had threw him back to the SS Club but they never really notified Haru's death to us. We just assumed he was dead because Gisele said he wasn't there anymore. Maybe she send him somewhere else. Anyway ! Now he's alive and out there. And moreover he's untouchable."

" - What do you mean ?!?"

" - What I mean is, Haru and Akihito are married. According to Reinz they both have children together. Haru got kidnapped six months ago by some dark organization. Reinz was called by the head of the group to take care of the pregnant omega. He was bewildered when he saw your omega. Akihito searched for the boy everywhere. And like always, for some cheap ass, Reinz screwed up ! Now he is in jail !!! "

Satoh stood up and continued :

" - If he talk about us, we are dead ! Grandfather will surely discard us if he knew we couldn't protect our family's honor. So do something about Reinz and make sure Akihito isn't planning anything weird. I'm sure he already know what you did to Haru. If I'm right, this project is bound to be doom and we're going to lose everything. "

Silas was listening. His heart was aching since he knew Haru was alive. He was exciting by the news and afraid. He wanted to run to Haru and… And what ? He didn't know. He wanted to hug Haru and feel his warmth again. He wanted to see if he was okay. Does Akihito treat him right ? Haru was so defenseless and shy. Was he healthy ? The last time Silas saw him, he was so skinny and the life in his eyes was nowhere to be found. Silas regretted everything and he promised himself that he would do everything to change.

After he heard about Haru's death, he tried to move on but actually he couldn't. He was depressed and he felt lifeless. He tried his best to keep on living but everything seemed pointless.

And now his heart that he thought dead was beating foolishly, filled with hope and something he couldn't really tell what.

" - Are you listening ?!?? " Satoh yelled suddenly, dragging Silas out of his thoughts. " Get your ass from here and find a way to silence every people who remembered Haru ! This shitty omega !"

Satoh continued to shout as he finally stepped out of the room. He slammed the door but, still, his displeasure could be hear from miles.

Silas let himself drop on his bed. As he rummaged in his hair, his thoughts we're running wild.

" - Do you know Dana's whereabouts?" Silas asked his butler who was still standing next the door.

" - I'm not sure sir. The maids said she was sent abroad by your grandfather but no one can tell if it's true. " the butler replied.

" - She was my brother's mistress. Knowing grandfather he didn't deal with her himself. So my dear sister-in-law was probably in charge of everything." Silas said as he stood up to find something to wear. " Prepare the car. I think I know where she was send."

" - As you command, sir."


The radio was playing " Only Love Can Hurt Like This " from Paloma Faith while London was sprawled on the bed.

On top of him a guy he just met at the club was kissing his neck and groping his ass.

London wasn't concentrated. He was gulping his bottle of whiskey and humming on the song that was playing.

The light suddenly switched on in the bedroom and the man stood up with shock.

London didn't move, still humming, eyes fixed on the ceiling.

He turned his head towards Thomas who was standing, observing silently the beta man who didn't know what to do.

" - He-he-he said I-I that…"

" - Just go home." Thomas ordered.

The beta man didn't let Thomas repeated himself. He almost stumbled when he took back his shirt on the floor and his phone.

He swallowed bitterly when he looked at the beautiful alpha still on the bed, unfazed by everything that was happening. If he knew the man had a boyfriend, he would have just stay at the club with his friends. He sighed and rushed out as fast as he could, promising himself to forget this night.

Two months had already passed since London was discharged from the hospital. Without resisting, he came back with Thomas. The latter had already prepared a new home close from the Ogata Clan.

Most of the time, London would spend his days with Haru's babies or drinking. And if he didn't do one or the other, he was screaming and insulting Thomas.

The lawyer was just enduring everything. Despite his tiredness, he couldn't blame London. He drove the alpha into this corner and he didn't know how to have him come back in the light.

London slowly sat on the bed. Thomas frowned in front of the red spots covering London's chest and neck.

It wasn't the first time. London would go out and came back home with strangers. As if he was provoking Thomas, they never really passed the stage of kissing and touching. Thomas knew it because he would threaten every men London's met to have an explanation.

Thomas sat next to London. He took back the bottle and put it on the nightstand. He noticed the white powder on the table and the needle.

" - I'm going to call Pam." He simply said.

London was in dazed. Thomas helped him washed up and changed in his pajama. Then he called Pam and waited for her.

When she arrived, she was with her wife Mila, Akihito and Haru.

" - I just needed a doctor," Thomas said as he looked at them dumbfounded.

" - Yeah sure. You look like you're dying," Akihito said as he walked inside the home.

Haru and Mila immediately followed Pam in London's room while Thomas went back to the living room to work on his papers.

" - Here." He heard Akihito said.

The man had prepared him a cup of hot tea. He then sat next to the lawyer.

" - Drugs. Since when ?"

" - The first time was two weeks ago I think." Thomas replied.

" - Why didn't you tell us ?" Akihito asked.

" - When I found it, he cried and pleaded for me to keep it a secret. If Haru and you knew he was taking drug, he was afraid you wouldn't let him see Rory and Ruka." Thomas explained.

He showed a weak smile.

" - In the end… I'm still destroying him." He said.

" - Haru isn't like that, though he's right about me. But… London is a good uncle. If we weren't at Pam's house, none of us would suspect he was taking drug." Akihito said. " Is he addict yet ?"

" - I don't know. I think he's more into every type of alcohol he could stuffed in his stomach…"

Thomas sighed as he rubbed his tired eyes. The dark circles around his eyes were pretty bad. His skin wasn't as healthy as before and there was a stubborn stubble around his dry mouth.

" - I don't know what to do anymore. He doesn't want to eat and he's out almost every night. I tried to talk to him. I tried to ask for forgiveness… I even begged him to hate me, to hurt me but he… "

Akihito sighed when Thomas choked on his words. Tears were falling down but he wasn't crying.

" - You did the same thing to__"

" - I know !" Thomas shouted. " Do you think I forgot about it ?! But what can I do ? I can't turn back time ! "

He was now pacing in front of Akihito.

" - If he just wanted to cheat on me, it would be bearable but he's taking drugs and he's still cutting his wrists when I'm not paying attention ! He doesn't even yell at me for what I did but he shouts if I confiscate his bottle of wine or his powder !"

Thomas took a deep breath before he sunk back in the couch.

" - I'd rather him to hurt me, not himself." He whispered.

Akihito did not utter a word. He had never seen Thomas this desperate. It was new to him. Actually… he could understand the man.

When Haru was like that because of his past, he felt this worthless as if he couldn't save the omega.

" - Thomas… you know, when Haru disappeared, I wanted to die. I thought I wouldn't be able to see him and feel him anymore. Everyday I regretted that I didn't come home earlier, that I followed this weird lead and did not go home to stay next to him. I have never wronged Haru since I know him but I felt this deep remorse inside my guts. But I kept holding in it. Because, I was prepared to face whatever consequences that would fall upon me. I had just one goal… To save him. " He looked at Thomas who was more calmed now though still depressed. " Save him first Thomas and then let him choose your punishment. "

" - Saving him… That's what I'm…"

" - Sometimes saving someone requires more than staying next to each other. " Akihito said.

Thomas' heart skipped a beat. The door of the room opened and Pam, Mila and Haru stepped out.

" - He's awake. I gave him something to calm him a bit. Actually, there wasn't much drug in his blood. Just a tiny bit. Because he didn't eat anything the drug's effect seemed more important but it's nothing to be really worried. " Pam explained.

Haru was now hugging his husband while Mila was holding Pam's tools' bag.

" - He willingly gave all the powder he had with him. Prepare him a good meal and then let him sleep." Pam continued.

Thomas nodded at every words.

When he was finally alone, he didn't dare to visit London yet. He went to the kitchen and prepared something light for his husband. Thanks to grandpa Priest, he had enough groceries in the fridge.

After the meal was ready, he took his courage and entered London's bedroom.

In their new home, there were three bedroom. London was sleeping in the big one which normally was their marital bedroom. Thomas was most of the time sleeping in the living room or in the room in front of London's.

London was staring at the window which was open to let the air refreshed the stuffy room. The moon was pretty and the night's air felt good.

Thomas put the bowl of warm light porridge on the nightstand. He then sat on the chair already next to the bed. Pam was probably sitting there earlier.

Without a word, Thomas gently stirred the porridge and blowed on it.

" - Aren't you tired ?"

Thomas stopped, his heart was beating fast. He looked up. London was now staring at him. His gaze was focused and unshaken.

" - No… I'm okay," Thomas finally replied with a soft smile.

It was the first time London was talking to him calmly.

" - You look tired," London said.

Thomas took a full spoon of porridge and fed London who didn't reject his kind help.

" - Work is busier since Haru's case involve others omegas." Thomas said.

" - Does he have to testify again ?" London asked after he swallowed his fifth spoonful.

" - He's now under protection. It will benefit us if he gave his statement to an official court but it will be too much for him. So I'm doing everything I can to gather enough evidences. That way he cab stay out of this case. " Thomas explained.

Plus, Akihito was against it. He didn't want Haru to go through this hardship though the Omega was willing to give his help.

" - I see." London said.

The next fifteen minutes, London just ate in silence. Thomas was glad with this much. He thought this type of talk was now banned from their life.

When London finished his dinner, Thomas served him some fruit and a small part of green tea cake that he had bought this morning.

They ate together in London's room without exchanging a word.

" - I think you should sleep now." Thomas said after their plate were empty.

He was about to walk out but, London stopped him.

" - Can you… can you sleep here tonight ?" He asked softly. " When I'm alone, I kept thinking about our ch… I just don't want to be alone tonight."

Thomas put back the plates on the nightstand and switch the light off. He then lay down next to London who immediately embraced him.

The minutes passed slowly on Thomas' heartbeat.

" - Kiss me." He heard London said.

He obeyed gladly and gently brought his lips to the alpha's soft lips. The kiss was first tender and timid before it started to heat up.

Thomas rolled on top of London who was moaning from the hot kiss. Thomas explored this mouth he didn't taste for a year. He let his tongue entangled with London's while his hands were caressing London's soft hair.

The submissive alpha started to unbutton Thomas' shirt and before Thomas could have his sense back, he was buried deep inside his husband. The latter was moaning pleasantly in his arms.

The sex wasn't wild or anything like that. Through their kisses, they knew they missed each other but the deed was in itself magical and great.

The next morning, Thomas woke up alone. On the nightstand he found a letter and the divorce paper which was already signed by London.

Thomas cried as he read the letter.

" I couldn't ask you to let me go. Even if I hate you, I still want your love. But it's selfish of me to think that way. We both hurt each other too much. For our late child, let's end this. Don't say you're sorry because I will not apologize either.

I promise you I will do my best to live. Don't try to find me and don't worry about me.

But I guess I still want to hurt you…

I love you Thomas. Don't be happy. You don't deserve it.
