Jacque engages a conversation with Nimako

Chapter 7

Jacque engages a conversation with Nimako

He asked Nimako if she preferred to sit closer to the pilot’s cabin but she responded she wouldn’t mind sitting on any seat but unfortunately she had a seat number which was 46 E and that was exactly where she was sitting. Jacques smiled and said he actually forgot it. He asked Nimako to fasten her seat belts because he had been lighted up over the door to the pilot’s cabin that the plane was about to take off. Nimako then fastened her safety-belts. He then told her about his friend who lost his front teeth when he had not fastened his safety-belts during the time the plane was taking off.

On the light side, Nimako said she would have lost her front teeth if Jacques had not prompted her. They all laughed. He asked her where exactly in France she was going and she said she was going to Dax to take an appointment as a medical doctor. Jacques was surprised Nimako never told her she was a medical doctor. She only smiled and said it was not advisable telling people who she was especially when one was traveling to a new place; let them rather find out from you. Jacques realized Nimako was very intelligent.

The plane lands at the airport; the passport and customs officials check Nimako’s documents.

The passport official greeted Nimako and requested to see her passport. She gave it to him. He asked her whether she was a tourist or she came there for business. She told him she had actually gotten a job there as a medical doctor. After checking her and everything was good he allowed her to go to the next check point.

Nimako meets a customs official.

The customs official asked Nimako if she had anything to declare. She said she was not sure except that she had two bottles of spinoff. She was asked not to declare those ones since they were only two bottles. She was again asked whether she brought any food into the country and she said, ‘Only cheese.’ The custom official ceased the cheese because she was not to bring any food into the country. After going through the security check points she was allowed to go.

Nimako steps off from the security checks and she meets Jean who comes to pick her.

Jean greeted Nimako and he introduced himself to her that he was the one directed by the hospital administration to pick her and send her to her residence. She entered the car and he dropped her off at her residence as directed. From there he took her to diner where she filled her tummy with potatoes and grilled chicken. The environment was conducive for a place to eat.

The entry to the restaurant captured the theme and the feel of the restaurant created a natural flow leading to other areas. The waiting area was as comfortable as possible. There were some extra stacks of menus within reach that helped to entertain them and also gave them a head start on their menu decisions. The wind was fresh. There was a perfect space in front of the restaurant to use décor to set the theme of any restaurant.

The employees who worked there were professionals. They had excellent hygiene and had welcoming demeanor at all times. The dining rooms were organized in ways to suit the restaurant’s concept. There was a natural flow from room to room. Servers were able to maneuver freely and they were able to access their seats with enough space to feel comfortable. All too soon, time was up and Jean took Nimako to her residence.

After three days of rest, Nimako reports at Beaujou Hospital where the hospital administrator introduces her to the staff.

The hospital administrator met all the staff at the hospital conference hall and he introduced Dr. Nimako to them as a new medical doctor who was coming to help reduce the work load. ‘She actually arrived three days ago and it’s today she is officially resuming work. Please give her all the necessary support.’

After the meeting, the hospital administrator took her round the hospital. He took her to the various departments including O. P. D. the Cardiology Department and her consulting room.

Dr. Nimako closes from work and she goes to a pub to relax. She meets Gustave at the pub.

Nimako went to a historic pub which was on a river. It was an old pub of great character, with a warm friendly atmosphere. All the pictures on the wall would surely speak to you about the pub. There were pictures of old men with moustaches each holding a glass of beer and sipping it. The pub had a giant screen where international matches were shown. Nimako sat quietly enjoying her beer and watching an international match going on at that time when a gentleman in a green suit with a smile came and sat on the same table where she was.


Ayo, sweetie, you’re looking kinda pretty, what’s like a girl like you doing in this rough city?


I’m just here trying to hold my own ground.


Yeah, I think I like how that sounds. Can we get some time to know each other better?


That sounds good but I don’t think I can let you ya.


I don’t know but tell me is’t so, do you get a kick out of telling brothers no?


No, it’s not that see you don’t understand. How should I put it? I got a man.


What’s your man got to do with me?


I told ya.


I’m not trying to hear that see.


I’m not one of those girls that go ripen around.


I’m not a dog baby, so don’t play me like a clown.


I’ll admit; I like how you kick it.


Now you’re talking baby, that’s the ticket.


Now don’t get excited and chuck your own in. I already told you. I got a man.


What’s your man got to do with me?


I got a question to ask you troop. Are you a chef? Because you keep feeding me soup.

Gustave laughs.


You know what they say about those who sweet themselves? You might find yourself by yourself. I’m no waiter, so when I blow up, don’t try to kick it to me.


All those girls must get you gassed.


Hey, when they see a good thing, they don’t let it pass.


Well, that’s okay.


Well, I’ll treat you right.


Sorry my time is up.

Gustave gives his phone to her to give him her phone number.


Thanks, I’ll call.


That’s alright.