The fate of Oscar
Casino and Ignatius had been away for about three weeks and yet there was no news about them. They were instructed to return either a day or two on seeing the seer.
Nobody even knew if they had indeed arrived safely or seen the seer. Oscar’s situation became worst, day after day out. There were others who said they had either died on their way or a dwarf had kidnapped them and so they should forget about them.
They waited for about two weeks more in addition to the three weeks and still there was no news about them. At this time, they were convinced that they were not able to make it to the seer. The whole community then decided to organize their funeral rites. Two weeks were set aside to mourn for them for their courage and their good course. Rituals were performed to purify the town, the people and most importantly the ancestral stools of the house from which Casino and Ignatius came from.