Chapter 9

" Serena? Oh, how I've searched everywhere!" Cassandra stood up from her bunk bed to hug her friend.

Theus came close to hug her, his facial expressions conveyed concern and anger.

" Where have you been!" He yelled." We were so worried!"

" My apologies father, I was quite foolish last was all my fault please don't chastise Cassandra."

" she told me everything," Theus mumbled sadly.

" don't ever do such a stupid thing again"

" yes father"

Serena stepped into her chambers. Hanging her cloak on the wall, she sat on her bunk bed.

The prince. His voice, gaze, and his heartwarming kiss had been in her senses recently but she shouldn't be thinking about him.

Crouching to check her sandals for the next day's chore, she smiled.

" Serena?" a voice brought her back.

" yes, papa?"

Theus opened the door to her chambers and came in.

" what happened?"

" my apologies papa, I met a lady on my way here, she wants me to work for her. she also ensures decent pay."

"you don't have to ". Theus murmured and hugged her "that's why I'm here to support you."

" I know, but you know Cassandra shouldn't work alone. I should too."

" very well. Will you be safe for us?"

"I assure you,".

"I know the prince is preparing for a ball".

Theus crossed his legs as he sat down.

" a ball?"

"yes. the king wants his son to find a wife before his Coronation".

" Oh. I see.." she replied thoughtfully.

" maybe lady Betsy, the one I met today isn't so bad after all for Prince Philip with her personality and all "

Theus chuckled." I don't think you fancy lady Betsy at all."

She smiled back. but she couldn't ignore the ache in her heart when she mentioned lady Betsy being compatible with the prince.


Days turned to weeks. Serena knew Theus was right when she began seeing different people arrive some days before the ball.

Her expectations were cut short when Lady Betsy knocked and requested her presence. Her chambers were bright and beautiful with beautiful ancient portraits on the wall. her bed was large and comfortable. A large Mirror was at the center of the room to lighten up the spacious room.

Standing behind her in her chambers, Serena listened to her ramblings about "seducing" the prince.

"I need you to give me an idea about seducing Prince Philip before the ladies catch him,"

she said turning to Serena who was combing her hair.

" lady. I am not experienced in the idea of seduction"

" outrageous! preposterous!"

lady Betsy acclaimed angrily and Serena flinched.

" my apologies my lady".

" I need an idea. now! "

of...o..f course, I think dressing seductively would do".

" very well".she said and smiled." shall we?".


Prince Philip climbed on his king-sized bed to retire for the night after a long day of visiting the women his father recommended. he had to escape their flirty sentiment to retire. he didn't need just any woman for now. what he craved and wanted was much reddish and he knew it.

he heard a knock on his door.

"who is it?" he called out

" come in".

He saw a woman emerge from the doorway. she wore lingerie that hardly covered her buttocks, her hair in disarray, and her face was painted like a dish.

" your Highness...." she whispered licking her fingers and stroking her thighs.

Lady Betsy!.

"What on earth are you doing? this Is inappropriate!"

"I..couldn't sleep, so I thought we could warm our bodies," she said coming near to him.

" oh well. that was thoughtful of you but I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible," He replied moving towards the window.

she reached out to touch him but Philip moved and this time, went towards the backdoor.

"Lady Betsy," Philip said with a stern voice." please leave before I ask the guards to escort you to your chambers."

Lady Betsy gasped in surprise.

" oh..of course," she said adjusting her lingerie and walking out with her head high.

He sighed in relief and climbed off his bed to lock the door. but as he neared the door, he heard footsteps retreating after lady Betsy.

He opened the door and peeped out and saw Serena running after lady Betsy.

" wait!" Philip couldn't help but call out.

Serena turned and saw Prince Philip strolling towards her, tall and handsome with strong confidence and strength.his broad-shouldered chest was fascinating even in his thin nightshirt. his guards bowed to him as he passed.

"c.....I help you, your highness?" Serena asked warmly. her palms sweaty in nervousness.

Philip grinned as he dominates her.

She was beautiful and there was more, he was attracted to her determination and courage.

And that kiss.

" I was wondering...if you could join me as I pour a tea for two"?

Tea with the prince? unbelievable!.

" well.. I think I have to attend to lady Betsy".

" don't worry about that, I'll send a servant to her how about that?" Philip's smile seemed to melt her heart.

" that would be alright".


She smiled and stared at Philip as he poured tea for the both of them.

" you didn't tell me what happened after you ran off," he said handling a goblet to her.

" I..." she took it gratefully and smiled." well. I had to find a way out of here".

"And I heard your condolences".

"thank you, your highness."

" call me Philip"

" what?"

" you heard me," he said and smiled.

Serena nodded slowly.

Philip sat beside her and sipped his tea." it's going to be alright, you don't have to think about everything that's happening around you all the time. One thing I've come to learn from this life is that things transpire".

She nodded and stared at him. observing him close for the first time.

He was reaching to her. Serena could see the passion in his eyes. The deep care and love. As he stares into her eyes, the desire burning through her core was getting unbearable.

His gaze was always doing that to her. before her brain delivers a warning his lips already met hers. slowly at first but getting deeper. she wanted his lips on hers and he felt the same, she could feel it in the way he cupped her soft chin and kissed her deeper. She pulled him closer and kissed him, his mouth on hers made her dizzy.his lips pressed against hers gently, warm and dry, nuzzling her mouth. she felt a quickening deep inside her, a longing so intense that she thought she might faint with it. her chest heaved as she drew a long shuddering breath, and then his tongue was inside her mouth.

She moaned. Never in all her life had she imagined that kissing a man would be like this. she felt lightheaded, intoxicated, and mesmerized as his tongue softly, gently explored her mouth. when he broke the kiss, she opened her eyes, stood up slowly, and fled.


Serena was out of breath when she reached her chambers .sweating profusely and in confusion.

She shouldn't be involved with him. If her mother had been alive she would have been going about screaming. her mother constantly tells her about the consequences of being involved with a man before marriage. You could conceive and be thrown in the streets.

But this...

She had never felt so marvelous as this all her life.

She crept into the room. Candles were lit but the room was dark. she closed the door softly.

" Are you well?"

Serena flinched when she heard Cassandra's tiny voice.

" where have you been? it's late and we've been so worried!".

She went towards her close friend and hugged her.

" my apologies... I was lost...i".

" false".Cassandra sternly said and smiled." I can tell when you lie Serena, you look exhausted. you forgot the sermon we heard from Pope Francis? "deceitful ones will not..".

" I know.." Serena sighed." "I don't want to be condemned."

And she told her everything.

"Good lord...he kissed you!"

" was not my fault! just happened!".

"I can tell...."

" tell what"? Serena's eyes were like saucers.

" he's falling in love with you".•

" you're a silly girl, my dear".

" no...and you feel the same about him."

Serena sighed." He has lady Betsy...she's in love with him.".

" all in good time Serena...all in good time.." Cassandra replied and smiled." I think we need a little " lie" if papa inquires of you."