Chapter 18

Sir Rufus paced in the dark cave. the pain he felt in his heart and head was excruciating. he was getting dizzy.

Turning his head around he knew that he was not alone. the person he was looking for was standing before him.

An old man with brown eyes and long gray hair.

" welcome again Rufus".

He grinned.

"No!" Rufus screamed, though the cry was a raspy whisper. he was growing dangerously furious.

" I have to find her! I have to conquer Isle!."

The wizard smiled.

" you need to be patient Rufus."

Dragging himself up, he turned to go but dizziness engulfed him.

" you need to help me! " he growled desperately.

" And where are the crest key and the redhead?"

" she took the key and escaped!"

" I can't help you now". The wizard said with grief.

Rufus plunged on him like a cat, clutching his cloak.

" you need to help me without the key and the redhead!"

" that's impossible Rufus for it comes with a high price".