Chapter 39

Wisdom’s POV

“The night is young, so young,” Denver said as he clasped my breasts and dived into my neck.

“It means we have more hours left to make a baby.” I laughed as if my jaw would fall out. “But we already have two. Twins to be exact.” Denver paused and looked at me, surveying my face on where he would lay his kiss the next second.

“Let’s make love then, Wisdom.” He locked his fingers with mine and pulled me to a sit. We were both sitting while facing each other. His ferocious snake was just an inch away from my deep, dark cave. “Let’s have a wild and rough sex, my wife...”

“Yes.” I, as a woman, can’t get enough of my man to be honest.

“Yes, my husband,” he corrected. My brows rose but he just kissed my forehead.