Epilogue + Author's Note

Wisdom’s POV

They say living is more difficult than dying.

That was also what I thought before I became Wife for Hire. Before I realized that there is more to life than shedding tears and pitying yourself.

I was Wisdom who had no wisdom years ago. But time passes like an endless flowing river that constantly changes its current. And I was the stone—drowning and going with the stream freely.

And it was Denver who turned me into a fish, into something that has the choice to go on with life or do it according to what is good for me.

Now, after seven years, I am a mother of two—twins Xasha and Xian. I am now Wisdom Linnea Weisz-Giordano, happily married to Denver Mikhail Giordano for seven years and also the President of the Giordano Co.

Today is my birthday, the first of September. Francine is aboard a plane towards here in Amsterdam. She’s now a renowned actress currently staying in England.