Keila was going to talk to Leila about this new development when she sees her, her heart pounding with anticipation and delight, what will the princess say? She knew the princess hated the werewolves for reasons she didn't want to delve into right now but this is huge ...
The next alpha king is her mate!
She suddenly liked his name so much it made her grin wider
She was wearing a blue jean a darker blue t shirt and a jean jacket
With hastened steps she made her way to Realeria, this way was somewhat deserted and she would say it is safe as nothing had once attack or gave her a scare in this way before so she whistled as she follow the dark trail out of Fursbed.
The gates were quickly drawn apart for her to step inside and she gave a small smile to a guard eyeing her almost suspiciously, maybe he is new to the castle and doesn't trust her yet
She went into the castle but she did not come across any royal so she went straight to Princess Leila's chamber with a barely contained grin and light steps, her golden lock in a ribbon like most times
As soon as the maids saw her they bowed slightly and one knocked on the princess's room for permission, Leila's voice came out asking them to come in.
Leila was sitting on her bed with a paper she was crumbling into the bin
"I see who it is" the princess dismissed the maid with a wave of her wrist
"Hey it's not been that long" Keila defended herself
Leila was probably mad at her for not coming over for two days straight now
"Fine I forgive you, i missed you still" she complained as she wipes a thin sweat from her forehead
"I have an interesting tale to tell you" Keila whispered with a grin that hasn't left her face since she came in
Leila quickly took her wrist and walks them to the garden in her Chambers, they was a jug and small cups on the table already she had been planning to come out alone and now she has company and gist
“Sit down here, tell me everything “ Leila requested with an enthusiasm that didn't suprise Keila
“I was in the forest yesterday when a big black wolf stepped” Leila gasped and Keila chuckled hitting her arms to stop
“Stop over dramatizing and let me talk” Keila scolded with a pout
“Ok ok how hot he is?" the princess asked smirking, and then as though she figured she shook her hands “Forget I ask all werewolves are hot, female or not” she confirmed
“You bet, but really picky” Keila countered
“And savage I hear” Leila fanned her face rapidly
“Back to the story he came to my denbed in the middle of the night” Leila gasped Keila rolled her eyes
“And we kissed, I think he likes me” Keila blushed
“Isn’t that like instinct for you guys?” Leila raised a question
“It is, I’m not feeling any pull though, but it’s great that he isn’t fighting it” Keila answered looking like she's hit a jackpot
“I thought the werewolves could choose their own Luna’s and your prince is notorious for wanting a strong Luna” Keila asked
“Do you really have to be so brutal?” Keila picked up the kettle of tea to add it, they dont have this in fursbed as werewolves were always hot but she was not normal
“You are a Halfling Keila” Leila pointed out briskly
“I’m surprised you found out” Keila sassed as she rolled her eyes
“And you don’t have the strength to fight those females” Leila told her
Keila was a halfling and she can only run for awhile before they catch wound and worst kill her if she tries to fight
“He won’t make me fight them” Keila replied, sounding half sure
“You’re so hopeful, and I’m scared” Leila said
“It’s okay to be positive” keila defended
“Positivity killed your plant, I’m sure of it” Leila said looking convinced
Keila had a plant she couldn't take care of and it had died
“Leila!” Keila gasped looking hurt
her plant had died because she couldnt take care of it and she still felt guilty
“And no one will want you as their queen if you keep your pattern of talking”
“Little wolf I’m sorry” the princess quickly apologized
Keila laughed and they talked for a bit too long
“I think I need to leave” Keila said as it was getting dark and frosty
“I don’t know why you still go back to the forest for those savages, you could always settle here” Leila offered with a small smile
“You’ve been saying this all your life are you not tired yet?” Leila asked shaking her head
“I will never give up on wanting you close by” Princess Leila said
“More like owning me” Keila retorted with a laugh
“You should take the bike” Leila suggested
“No, not up the mountains” Keila said
“That’s where you’re going through?” The princess asked her eyes wide
“Yep, the other road has been blocked some scavengers have been seen strolling that path” Kila explained briefly
“So it’s not safe? Fursbed isn’t safe?” Leila was interested
“Should I even be telling you this? It’s like top secret” she realized with narrowed eyes
“I’m asking because I’m worried for your safety, we’re not planning to ambush Fursbed” the princess assured
“I see, I need to see my family” she replied not having energy to argue with this princess
“We’re not ambushing yet, till they hurt your feelings” keila assured
“Goddess! You’re insane” she acccused with a laugh
“Sanity is overrated” Leila countered as she smiles crazily
“You’re supposed to be a princess” Keila sassed, how can a princess act like so
“I am a princess” Leila confirmed with a giggle
“With all those ideas running in your head? You belong in furbed ironically” this joke got to Leila
“I hate werewolves no offence” Leila immediately replied along with an apology
she cokld not stand those wicked creatures
“None taken” Keila replied
“You should head back, we’ve come too far:” Keila said feeling as though she had turn the princess into her personal escort which was outrageous
“I wish I have half the freedom you do” Leila said with a frown
“I wish I have half he love you receive” Keila replied as she shifted into her wolf form with a sprint she was out of sight.