Chapter 9


Opening the door,I walked out and closed it slowly. Norian would kill me if she knew I was sneaking out, I just felt the need to go wondering off somewhere and get lost. I walked down to the shore slowly,I don't know why I'm out here but I just feel like walking around and think about a few things. The life I had before isn't transparent anymore and I'm starting to forget about everything I had before I came here,kinda like a very short memory now, sometimes I can't believe that was me. All that I lived for, has now gone to waste,and I'm starting to forget who I really was.

"Where have you been?" Butch asked when I returned in the morning, "and please don't say with Jason"Norian says "no,I just went for a walk"I answer "all night?" "yeah,I just needed to think",they nod in understanding before someone knocked on the door. Norian sighed walking to it, two guards stood there and she looked at me,I shrugged in response, "the King and Queen requires your presence" "what'd you do now?" Sebastian asks "hey,I've only been one place"I answer honestly. The walk to the palace was quick,I was in no hurry because any time I'm needed at the palace, it's either to die or to be accused of something.

The King and Arabelle stood waiting for us, she had a look of disgust on her face,I wanted to kill her so badly. "I understand that you four have been spending time with my son"Midas says, oh boy, "you've gone out many days and nights with him", we look at each other, "and because of that, he hasn't been able to do his duties" "what're you saying?" Norian asks "he's saying that you four and the Prince will no longer associate with each other"Arabelle says,she looked happy about it, "but that's not fair"Sebastian says looking at Midas, who looked just as hurt as we do. "Let's just go"I say ready to leave, we all turned to leave, finding Kira with a shocked look on her face, "you can't do that"Kira says, "it's okay Kira"Norian says with a smile, "bye"we waved then left for good, "so we can't see him anymore?" Butch asked biting his fork, "guess not,but it's fine, it's not like we'd die if we don't see him"Sebastian says, Norian cleared her throat pointing at me,I laughed shoving her. I heard huge footsteps, "is that?" Butch asks, "the dessert brunch" "what?" I ask "there's this very tall monster that's been taking only bakers, he hasn't been here for months",I drew the sword from the table, "let's make him go away?" "now you're talking",so we can't see Jason anymore, that's not so bad.


"That's not fair"I say to my father, he sighed in response, "Arabelle thinks you should focus on what you will do as a king and that it's time to choose your Queen" "but I have, if you could just give her a chance" "you will not marry that girl, choose a Royal blood to marry" "that's just it, you just listen to her all the time,you have two children and you don't even know how they live,what they eat,where they sleep, you'd raise your kingdom to the end but never your own flesh and blood-......" "that's enough" "right, because the truth hurts, doesn't it Father, Kira only sees you when you need us for courts or when you're leaving with Arabelle, how do you think she got that scar on her wrist",he looked at me, "if I hadn't found her,you'd come back and I'd kill you myself" "Jason that's enough"Arabelle says walking in, I ignored her and walked out.

"Kira, where have you been?" I ask watching the crazy girl check if anyone was watching so she could sneak into her room. She looked up at me with a smile, "no where" "Kira?" "I went to see Nikka and the others" "oh, how are they?" "well whenever they walk somewhere, people instantly move and are careful not to look at them too much" "sounds like the usual, are you hungry?" "duh",I chuckle hugging her, pretty and sneaky.


"And that's the end of the story"I say earning laughs from everyone, Norian was telling a story about how we killed a dragon, I interrupted as always, "cute"she says and I smile, "I know, I know"I answer sitting next to her, the boys ran over to us laughing, "why are you two laughing?" I ask plopping a cherry in my mouth, they looked at each other then at me, then laughed again. "Guys?" Norian asked "okay okay, so Jason has to choose his Queen"Sebastian says trying not to laugh, "and that's funny?" I ask "yeah, because they're all drooling over him,kinda like what you did the first time you met" "hey!",I ignored them but couldn't help to laugh at their stupidity, these two boys are definitely something else, like the two brothers I never had.

"Thank you, your Majesty"Butch says as we nod at Midas, guess what?, after a few months, we became the best fighters this place has ever had. The King kinda pays us once in a while, we wear masks so that no one recognized us, because then that wouldn't be fun anymore, only a few persons knew about us. We go out to hunt for intruders, monsters, all of that, it's actually been pretty fun with these people. I thought I'd miss Jason, but whenever he pops into my head, I forget him,as if he's a distant memory, which he actually was one. "No,thank you for all your loyalty"Midas says, we turned to walk out, seeing Jason running a hand through his hair, he looked at us in shock, "your Highness"we say walking passed him, "do I know you four?" Jason asks but we didn't answer. "I thought I'd never see him again" Norian chuckles "yup,looks just the same"I answer.

"I'm gonna need you four for a very important job"Midas says,we look at each other, "what kind of job?" I ask curiously, "does it involve getting us killed?" Norian asks "hopefully.......not"Arabelle answers, earning glares from all of us, "fine, but what's this job about?" "I need you four to escort the Prince to a trading site" "and what are we trading?", "you dare ask such question?" Arabelle asks "look,if our lives are going down for the Prince,then we have to know what we're trading, could be a few dead bodies that can rise any time right?"I ask challenging her, Midas looked between us, "right, you will be trading weapons for food" "so who's taking the food?" "you", Sebastian sighed in relief, "okay,when do we leave?" "first thing in the morning", we nod leaving, this is gonna be a long journey.