
"I've eaten so much chocolates. This isn't healthy." I complain to Amelia as I open another bar. Harry bought a box of chocolate after losing a bet on COD. I promised I would one day beat him after him always winning and taunting me. When we had our throwbacks we talked about it and I challenged him. And now, I'm enjoying my victory with his girlfriend.

"I have to go to work in an hour." Amelia groans. I laugh at her as she gets her things and leaves me. Alone. Being alone isn't good for me since I think about unnecessary things and one of them being an engaged man. Going to C and S had helped me. I wasn't so bored and so idle. "What to do. What to do." I wonder as I head to my room to look for something to read but my steps are halted by the doorbell.

I ignore the many questions that have started forming in my head. "Not Sydney. Not Sydney. Not Sy... "