Chapter 6


"Ryder" Coral says looking at her hands,I just watched her,I can't believe she said her first word,the others can't wait to here it,I didn't tell them that it was my name, they'd go crazy, her parents were glad I helped,she's not an easy person to teach.

"Ryder?" Coral calls "what?" I ask and she smiles to herself, its like teaching a baby,"do I have to stay?" "yes you do" "but what if I don't want to?" "then you'll have to", she fell on my bed,her hair spreading out then covered her face in the process,I've never seen anything like that,she's full of surprises,"you know I don't care what anyone else thinks right?" I ask "yeah right" "I'm serious", Coral moved her hair with her hand and peeped at me before covering her face again "yeah right", I laugh lightly, she's too cute for her own good, I'm not saying that I don't like her but she's just different, she's sweet,annoying, funny, she has her own way of showing others she cares, if she loves you a lot,she'll bug you till you die and then bring you back to bug you again.

"Come on,aren't you hungry?" I ask Coral while opening the door,she crossed her arms over chest and pouted, I was about to close the door but my parents stopped me "hey guys" "hi,we didn't know you were home" "oh right,sorry about that" "and who are you talking to?" "Coral", I opened the door so they saw her,I don't hide anything from my parents, I don't see the sense coz they'll find out sooner or later,"oh,hi Coral" mom smiles, she waves with a smile "is there a particular reason?" "nope,she wasn't feeling well" "isn't that sweet of you,we're going out probably be back by Saturday" "so I'll starve?" "Ryder,your just unbelievable" "I know, have fun" "yeah,bye" "bye", they waved at Coral and she smiles, my parents aren't like the people here,they don't hate or judge anyone, if they don't like you,they'll tell you to your face,as for Coral,they love her,"there's nothing wrong with a little quiet" dad said and Bailey loves her, so she's got friends,its working out okay.

"This is your room,there's clothes in the drawers,you can take a shower then come eat something" "since your not gonna give up then fine" "thank you".


After taking a shower,I got dressed in a black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt, this place was amazing,and I bet every room has a closet and drawers with clothes. Now I'm supposed to go down to the kitchen,Ryder should've given me a map or something because this place is huge.

Thankfully,I made it down to the kitchen,"that took long enough" Ryder says and I look at him in disbelief "what?" "nothing, nothing at all" "what's your favorite meal?" Ryder asks,the only thing I actually enjoyed was MacN'Cheese,"how about MacN'Cheese?" Ryder asks and I gave him a toothy grin before sitting at the counter,I watched him cautiously,as much as he's nice and all,he's still popular and I'm never gonna stay friends with him for long,I know that for sure,especially with Daisy and Shaun pecking at me,I'll probably die before I graduate high school.

After eating, we watched a movie then went up to sleep,of course I didn't sleep at all,I was playing games on my phone since I was so bored, then that got boring. I huff then got out of bed, I walked to Ryder's room and knocked, I didn't hear anything so I walked away,the door opened "can't sleep either?" "nope",he opened the door so I could walk in.

He was only in shorts and no shirt,his abs were on view,trust me,I see why the girls go crazy for him,he's hot!,"stop staring at me" Ryder laughs,I shrug sitting on his bed and he sat next to me "what were you doing before you came here?" "games" "oh,you know I still wanna know about Sebastian", I nod then I let him know what happened and his face was stone cold angry,I told him it was fine but he dismissed it.

"I'm gonna make sure he pays" Ryder says "its fine" "he can't do that,Shaun's lucky he's my teammate or they'd both be dead" "Ryder", he looks at me before hugging me "I won't let anything happen to you,I promise" he whispers and I nod silently, we fell asleep a few minutes after,it was unusual having someone holding me while I sleep but it was comfortable.

"Hey you two!", Ryder groans getting up "haven't you two heard of knocking?" Ryder asks looking at Nikki and Benny "haven't you heard of shirts?" Benny asks "this is my house Bennett" Ryder chuckles getting up "hey Baby" Nikki waves, I smile "okay,I wanna hear it" Benny cheers sitting on the bed,Ryder walks into the bathroom and closed the door, "Ryder" I say and they scream, very loudly "oh my god,how did......when did you?......Ryder was your first word?" "yeah" "awe,that's so sweet", I grin at them, Ryder walks out "you know,I think this is my room" he says "shut it you pansy" Nikki says pointing at him "Coral,go take a shower and you two,go dig in the fridge", they raced out and Ryder laughs "those two are something else", I nod "Ryder?" I ask before walking out "yeah?" "thanks", I say out of my mouth,he smiles "your welcome", I'm getting there,this isn't really hard but I've never spoken a word and here I am,friends with tons of people,who are so hard to handle.

I tied my headband around my head,my hair was naturally curly,and very hard to straighten out sometimes,my brother,Jamal,has brunette hair like my mom,I have my father's hair. Benny saw me walk into the kitchen "I just love your hair,how do you get it so curly?" "its naturally curly" "oh,I like it" "thanks" "did you just-Ryder,your a miracle worker man!" "Benny, just shut up and let's go!" "your so bossy" "no I'm not", she rolls her eyes at him "yeah", they argue like babies all the time.

"Baby" the boys cheer as we walked over to them, I waved "can you tell us what your first word was?" Alec asks, he knows what it is he's just being stupid "Ryder", they awed "you guys are like little girls" Ryder says rolling his eyes,Luther grabbed his shirt "this right here,is cute,if you don't see it then your lost" "dude,I see it", I shake my head at them before walking off "hey!,where are you going?!" the boys asked pulling me back "class" "not today,we've got a game today and your coming along", I groan hitting my forehead "cheer up Baby,Ryder will keep your company until then", I hate them so much right now.