Guardian Angel

Hello Monday. I hate you and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday too. I opened my locker while jumping a little to the side to avoid whatever was going to pop out of it today. Today nothing popped out but there were loads of condoms inside my locker along with a note saying “Whore!!!”. Well, I guess this isn’t the worst Monday that I’ve had. Where can I donate condoms…?

By the second semester, people started getting used to the fact that I will probably be a permanent member of the school. Therefore, instead of ignoring me as they did before, they started to approach me directly with their comments. Saying rude things to my face became a thing. Destroying my belongings became more common and extended beyond my locker to my gym clothes and shoes, my bag, my food, my books, my homework and whatever else they could get their hands on while I was away or not looking.