
“Do you know why I consider myself to be very lucky?” Zak asked, his eyes dead serious.

I knew that whatever made him lucky was not related to the Rosenhall family or any materialistic things that he had.

“No…” I replied in short. The atmosphere did not allow for senseless guessing.

“I found, at a very young age, the girl of my dreams. I watched that girl grow up to be the woman of my dreams, my lover and then the love of my life,” Zak said with a smile, his serious eyes never leaving my face.

I didn’t have to guess who he was referring to. I opened my mouth a little before I realized that I didn’t have anything to say, so I closed it.

“I believe that not everyone will ever find or meet the love of their lives. Since I met you, I consider myself to be extremely lucky. Because I had a chance to love you, no matter how short the time we could be together, I consider myself extremely lucky,” Zak continued explaining seriously.