Reiner - Everyone's Worried

“I’m hanging up,” Reiner stated passively.

“Don’t you want to know how she’s doing?” Edward asked.

“I’m sure she’s doing well and if she isn’t, you’ll take care of her, won’t you?” Reiner replied.

“I don’t know…she’s like a shadow of herself right now and she’s lost quite a bit of weight. Obviously, not healthy considering she was quite slim before…” Edward said, not hiding the concern in his voice.

“You should take her to see a doctor…” Reiner stated matter-of-factly.

“You’re leaving her to me now, are you?” Edward asked, not truly believing what he was hearing.

“Yeah…” Reiner said before disconnecting the call. He didn’t want to hear anymore, and he didn’t have anything more to say either.

Edward stared at the screen of his phone after the line got disconnected suddenly. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time at how ridiculous this whole situation was. If he thought that he could help Natalia, he already would have. Why else would he bother making that call?