Reiner - His Home

“This place is your home?” I asked curiously.

“The entire island actually…” Reiner muttered.

My eyes widened in shock as I stared back and forth from his face to view outside. I wasn’t sure what I had in mind regarding where Reiner came from and his home, but this clearly wasn’t it. Was he born and raised here on this island?

Finally, the car came to a stop and the doors were jerked opened by armed men that were standing outside. Reiner got out of the car, and I did the same. At least, guns were not being pointed at us anymore. When I got out of the car, I came to face with an enormous mansion in the French riviera style. I don’t want to sound like a snob but since Reiner was hired by my family as a butler, I never imagined that his house would be as large as Lucien’s if not larger.