Reiner - Two is Better than One

Reiner seemed deep in thought for a brief moment before he sighed loudly.

“That’s what I’ve figured out as well. The harder part is how to solve it,” Reiner muttered as he frowned as if deep in thought.

“Something like making sure that people are put into the right teams with other people that are compatible to them?” I suggested, based on what Charles had told me.

“Not bad. And how should we start doing that?” Reiner asked as he looked pointedly at me.

“Umm…the agent’s profile?” I guessed.

“Correct,” Reiner said as he turned to gesture to the large pile of document with a swipe of his hand.

Great. We’re going to have to go through that?!

“Isn’t there like an electronic form for the agent’s profile. I mean, in this digital day and age…” I asked, hopefully.

It would be faster if we have everything in digital form, then processing the data, finding trends, or arranging everything would just be so much easier.