Reiner - Bold Seduction

Reiner began squeezing the tube gently and a light blue gel emerged from the opening of the tube. I watched, mesmerized, as the light blue gel formed a line on Reiner’s long forefinger. He’s in my room and we’re alone together at night. Can he really touch me without thinking or feeling anything?

“Give me your arm,” Reiner instructed curtly.

I did as he told me to and lifted an arm up towards him. Reiner held my arm with one hand while his other hand began applying the gel to my skin. The gel felt very cold on my skin, and it smelled of fresh mint. He began rubbing my arm slightly with his fingers and I let out a soft moan.

“It feels cold, doesn’t it?” Reiner asked, his eyes still focused on my arm.

“Yes…” I replied, although that wasn’t the reason why I let out a soft moan just now.