Reiner – Facing Him

Monday arrived and I was determined to make it to work on time despite the heavy Monday morning traffic in the business district. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anxious about going to work today. Honestly, I didn’t know what kind of face to make when I met Reiner after seeing him and his fiancée together on that day. I was spying on them, and I was paying the price for that dishonest act now.

I got into the elevator, and I was on my way up to his office. There was no point running away from it. Unless I give up this job entirely, he’s going to remain as my boss and I’m still going to be his secretary. Reiner called me countless times yesterday. Of course, I didn’t answer any of his calls. The reason was obvious, I didn’t know what to say to him and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to have a pleasant conversation with him either. I didn’t even wonder why he was calling me. He probably found out that I had moved out of his mansion, and he was probably glad about it.