Reiner - Rewards from Reiner

We just got married…if he had already forgotten? Someone’s in a rush to become a grandfather…

“We haven’t really talked about…I’m not sure if Knight wants to have children,” I replied a little hesitantly.

Surely, I felt like I was skating on very thin ice right now.

“It doesn’t matter if he wants to or not. It’s his responsibility to have children. That’s all,” King stated as he brushed off my concern completely.

His responsibility? Why am I still surprised…?

“Well…” I murmured.

“What about you? Do you want to have Knight’s children?” King asked, getting right to the point.

Knight’s children. Not just anyone’s children…not our children…not my children…but ‘Knight’s children’. His choice of words didn’t slip by my mind at all. If it didn’t matter whether Reiner wanted children or not, I guessed it didn’t matter to him whether I wanted to have children or not either. This was simply a trick question with only two answers and that was ‘yes and yes’.