Reiner - Some Closure

I had to choose, and I have already chosen. There is no point in trying to learn how things are on the other side.

“Goodbye. I hope you come back to visit us soon. Have a safe flight,” I said while trying to look cheerful.

My brave front probably could have fooled anyone except for Lucien and Reiner. Lucien nodded his head at me before pulling me into a hug.

“Be happy and don’t let anyone bully you…” Lucien whispered into my ear.

It sounded like a joke, but I knew that he was dead serious about it. Lucien was always and will probably always be overprotective.

“Please take care…” I whispered in return.

After showing me one last smile, Lucien got into the car that would take him to the airport. I had no idea when I would get to see Lucien again. As if there was an understanding between us, we never agreed to keep in touch on a regular basis.