Reiner - Worry and Care

Do I just send a report based on what I’ve observed to King to tell him flat out that there’s definitely some fraudulent activities going on?

What would happen to Celine and her team if I did that?

Will King believe us, and will Celine willingly admit to her wrong doings?

Endless questions flooded into my mine and none of them helped to make me feel any better about myself or the situation that I have found myself in. It was unfortunately, but it seemed like I didn’t have a choice but to make an honest report based on what we have discovered during our short investigation.

“I’m going to write up the reports based on the facts that we’ve observed and send it to King. Then we can do more digging here and there to find more evidence or other instances of fraud. I’ll send him another and more detailed report then…” I told Reiner decisively.

“Sounds like a plan. Don’t overwork yourself,” Reiner warned with concern.