Reiner - Source of His Skills

Despite his intense gaze on my breasts, he did not end up touching them. His hand dipped down and then he hooked his fingers into the elastic waist of my panties before pulling it down my leg in one smooth motion. I smiled a little at him before I stepped out of my panties.

“Your hand, My Lady,” Reiner said teasingly as he offered me a hand.

“Escorting a naked princess to her bath?” I teased him back.

I giggled a little as I placed my hand into his much larger one. The warmth of his hand enveloped mine for a moment as he led me towards the bathtub and supported me as I got in. The sensation of the warm water against my skin as I sat down into the tub filled me with endless bliss. The smell of roses felt stronger as it filled my senses and made me smile. I closed my eyes and sighed in pleasure as I relaxed in tub. I could feel Reiner silently watching me as I enjoyed myself and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was waiting for.