Reiner – His Rage

There’s got to be another way, right?

“I’ll do it. If you’ll let me, I’ll like to move to manage the orphanage full time,” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

I’m sorry, Reiner, but I just can’t think of another solution that it better than this. If no one else is going to take it on, will you please let me do this?

King’s emotionless face transformed into a look of frank surprise while I felt Reiner stiffen next to me as he turned to glare at my face. After saying that so boldly, I had no other options left but to hold my ground. I am not going to back out of my words. Although my idea was crazy at best, I didn’t regret my proposal at all.

“Will you…allow it, please?” I asked King when he failed to give me a response.

“Interesting. Very interesting…” King commented as he rubbed his chin in thought.

“I cannot allow it. We’ll find another way,” Reiner spoke up before King could come to a conclusion.