Reiner – My Bold Decision

“I just…didn’t know how to bring it up. I feel so bad…so guilty…” I confessed honestly.

“There’s nothing for you to feel bad about. You’re over thinking things, Natalia. I’ve very happy living here with you. I’ll be happy wherever as long as we’re together,” Reiner said comfortingly.

“But things are so hard on you. You have to work so much harder…” I whimpered in between my sobs.

“That’s true but I’m willing to work a little harder so we don’t have to live apart. I know you’re working hard too and you’re trying your best,” Reiner said calmly as his large hand continued stroking my back.

“I’m sorry…” I apologized again because I didn’t know what else to say.

Even if he told me that he was happy and fine with being here, I still felt responsible for the additional hardship that I put him through.

“We’ll make it through this as well as everything else. So, please stop crying, Natalia,” Reiner whispered lovingly before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.