Chapter 11: Hope

Someone's P. O. V.

I watched him as he entered. His actions seems to be agitated, well he does deserve it, he is the meanest brat that we have ever met. Maybe this is what we call pay back of fate.

The sirens filled the area, no one knows about the real incident, not even the policemen. Poor skills tsk!

I continued to hide myself so no one could see me. I wanted to kill Reed by hand but I know that I can still use him. He will be my bait and prey.

A few seconds later the cops decided to move out, no one was left except me.

Reed is still inside the house, he hasn't came out yet. He stepped into my trap, pity him...

I wanted to kill him so badly but I need to stop myself. Anguish created by him is despicable and unforgettable.

He and his family deserves my wrath. Their breaths shall be counted, every blood that sheds shall make me smile. For I am agony born to life, created to fulfill revenge.

I waited for him outside. I just stared at the gate as I wait, but no Reed came.

Maybe he is savoring his last breath. I pulled the gun out of my pocket, I positioned myself for firing. I redirected my vision towards the gate.

You will pay Reed, no delay you will.

Reed's P. O. V.

Cops and sirens? What is going on here? My forehead knotted in response. I have witnessed a lot of deaths. Do tell me that I am pursuing someone who can help me. She is my hope towards this.

I stopped in front of her house. There I realized that the police car was parked in front of her neighbor's house. Maybe nothing is wrong with her.

I stepped out of my car and I immediately went to the gate and I rang the doorbell. Maids came rushing by, they made me enter, I did not bother myself in talking to them, I am so busy.

I went to Zenith's bedroom. I knocked.

"Zenith open up! I need help, come quickly!" I said.

Do tell me she is here, I badly need her help.

I was about to knock again when suddenly the door opened. A man at the age of 40s popped out. He looked at me seriously.

His eyes were confusing, I cannot guess his emotion.

"Zenith left." He answered.

Left? How come?

"Why?" I asked him.

Zenith loves it in here, why will she leave?

"She said nothing upon her departure. Nor have she left her address." He replied.

Could my hope be gone?

"But she left something for you." He added.

Left something for me? What could it be?

"Specify." I ordered.

He coughed a few times before he continued talking.

"Dear friend, your decision is a glue, stick to where water runs. I won't be able to join you in this mystery, but I've left a few clues to give." He said as he handed out an envelope to me.

I took it and I immediately thanked him.

Maybe my chances are placed in this envelope. Hoping that it is.

Third Person's P. O. V.

Reed drove like a mad man chased by cops. He wanted to figure out the cause of Zenith's departure.

Despite that, he also wanted to solve the mystery as fast as he could. He had a feeling that Claire is in so much trouble.

Though time passed the fact that he still loves her can't be erased by a thousand burdens.

Reed is meeting up with Ren. He'll discuss further plans with him. He doesn't have any idea of what he is facing but he's certain that he'll make it towards the finish line just to save Claire.

After a long drive Reed parked his car in front of Ren's house. He quickly stepped outside. No time must be wasted, that is all that is in his mind.

He didn't bothered knocking. Ren saw him parked so he went outside to welcome him.

The both of them went inside, locking the doors tightly.

"Any news?" Ren asked as he sat down at the couch.

Reed followed his actions and settled into sitting in front of him.

"Yes, Zenith left but a man staying in her house gave me this."

Reed handed out the envelope to Ren. He immediately took it and opened it.

Carefully he stared at the contents. His forehead knotted while examining the documents inside.

Ren pulled them out one by one.

"Gun licenses?" He said while tilting his head.

"But why will Zenith leave such documents?" Reed asked.

The both of them stared at each other as brainstorms pop up.

"We need to investigate." Reed added.

Ren on the other hand had a bad feeling about the documents. He believed that this is just one of those tricks planted to divert Reed's attention.

"Reed you have to focus, you can't trust Zenith. Not after what she have done to us!" He exclaimed.

Ren proves a point, Zenith tried to kill them before. Her treacherous acts was camouflaged by her pretty face and sweet voice. Though they were tricked, Reed believed that she can change. He placed his trust on her.

They became close, but Ren is still distrustful when it comes to her.

"Ren she changed. Zenith was only forced to do that before, but now she's free from his hands." Reed stopped speaking as silence filled the room.

Ren just shook his head left and right while still being disconvinced.

"She's free from her boss! Alas! That is it!" Reed exclaimed as he stood up from his chair.

"What do you mean?" Ren asked with forehead wrinkled in confusion.

"Those gun licenses belong to her boss. She mentioned them before to me. The name of the gun written in those documents garners the same bullets which is found at Mr. Callahan's office." He added.

Ren nodded in response.

"And this type of gun is not locally found here in the Philippines, only a few owns editions like this." Ren said.

Reed's stare grew even more mysterious. As if he is forming a plan in his mind.

"We have to go. Come with me. We'll make this Sly pay."