
I looked around the whole Training Hall and mentally sighed.

The whole left side was empty with only Little Lady sitting there while looking in my direction, and the whole right side was filled with the bunch of useless NPC's, with the only role of serving as a potential meat shield during the game.

I also noticed several different races of people mixed between the group of NPC's but my thinking was still the same, they were just mobs whose only purpose was to make the game-screen more colorful.

I ignored them and looked at the Little Lady side, and saw her showing an excited smile on her face.

Guhh...That smile was so cute!!

And damn that Duke for making her excited about fights! Duke should just keep his mouth shut!

He always enjoyed telling Little Lady about his adventures and even included me last time he did that...for a whole 3 straight hours.

I turned my head because I knew that if I continued to look at Little Lady, I am not going to look elsewhere.

"Who is going to fight that little boy?!"

I heard one of the NPC with a big built screaming as he asked his fellow NPCs. He seemed to be someone who was not there whenever I am training in the Training Hall.

Well, at the same time, I can't blame the NPC for having this much pride considering that they are training to fight the monsters, not kids like me.

"Only cowards will fight the kids!"

Another NPC with a lean physique interjected his words. He seemed to be the type that had way too much pride ingrained into his bones. And looking at his body structure, he should be someone who had already gone to Dungeon once or twice.

I looked around and waited for someone to come out. I also saw James, who was hiding behind others with a smug grin on his face.

I guess he was happy to see me getting beaten...if it would happen.

I have no plans for losing intentionally at all. I would naturally give the fight my best, at the same time, trying to keep skills to myself.

I want my skills to remain hidden as long as I could till I have some real strength.

I looked at the crowd of NPCs and saw a green-haired boy around 13 years old walking.

I don't know about him as I remember more about the main characters or the side characters who were given some real screentime in the game. I guess I may also know about the boy, but more like his adult self as during the game, Little Lady was around 18 years old which means 8 years since the start of the plot that I am itching to mess with.

The boy walked in front gallantly, and his posture was quite straight, I guess he had been training for quite some time.

"Captian Lucas! I want to fight him!"

The boy said loudly with a fire burning in his eyes, his actions surprised me as kids of his age would either be afraid of someone with a big-built like Captain Lucas, or they would either shy away to stand in limelight.

Wait...right, why was I using normal standards?

This was a world out of fantasy, not a world with modernization and this world had magic in it.

"Ralph, are you sure?"

Captain Lucas asked to confirm again.

The boy, Ralph nodded.

Ralph Brim, a man with high potential in military arts and management skills at the same time, has great strength. That was all I could remember about him as he was the character that went with the Heroine and her squad of her side-kicks in the dungeon now time. After which, he was never talked about in the whole game.

Raplhturned towards me, or more like glaring at me. I don't remember doing anything to him that will garner his hate, do I?

"Boy, would you fight Ralph?"

Captain Lucas asked me with a mocking grin on his face.

Was he expecting that I am going to reject it? Well, the boy looked to be strong but I guess I could handle this much without any problem and present a good shoe for Little Lady.

So, I nodded.

"I will, Captain Lucas."

"Well, I expected nothing else from you, but don't lose too quickly." seemed like he hadn't expected me to reject but more like he expected that I would agree, but he was confident about Ralph.

Then, shall we break his confidence?

"I will win for My Lady!"

Hearing my words, Captain Lucas shook his head.

I ignored him and focused on my front, Ralph standing there with a wooden sword in his hand. His expression was super serious like he was not battling someone younger but someone he had a deep feud with.

"I will defeat you!"

He screamed in anger.

"Go in your positions!"

Captain Lucas spoke and we both stood a little away from each other. Captain Lucas seeing that nodded and stood in our center.


The moment those words left Captain Lucas' mouth, Ralph charged at me as quickly as he could. I could even see the muscles all around his body tightened to the limit.

But it was his fault to think that he could win against me using his strength and physique as an advantage. My eyes were able to clearly see the moment that his body made, no matter how strong he was for a kid, he still stayed under the human physique limits category, meaning, he still had to venture into the dungeon and gain strength that a human can't gain normally.

I drew the wooden katana in front of my body, and extended my right foot, taking the most basic stance. The edge was directly in front of my eyes.

My sight focused on Ralph as he appeared in front of me and drew his sword to attack. Just as he was two feet closer to me, I used my left food and turned my whole body to the right.

With how fast his speed was and being inexperienced, he was not able to stop himself and was about to fell but just as his body bent a little in front of me, I slashed my katana direct on his back.


With a loud noise, he fell on the wooden floor. I drew my sword back to my waist and turned around, towards Captain Lucas, who was shell-shocked seeing what just conspired here.

Pin-drop silence appeared in the whole Training Hall as every single person had a look of shock etched on their face before I heard sounds of clapping.

A smile appeared on my face as I turned around and saw Little Lady clapping with a bright and excited smile on her face. I elegantly bowed in her direction.

My move may seem professional but anyone with little experience could reverse what I did on myself and I knew for sure that those who have experience in fighting saw that too.

"no could I lose..."

I looked down and saw Ralph mumbling slowly. He wasn't able to accept his defeat at all. Our fight was short but it was more than enough to decide the outcome of it.

"Well, I haven't expected this result at all."

Captain Lucas came beside me and spoke his thoughts after coming out of his shocked state.


I tilted my head at his question and asked. Even though I already knew the answer.

How could a kid who had trained for three days defeat someone who had been training for years?

But this happened here.

"No, I took your battle instinct potential in a low manner, but it seemed like I need to change my perception on that."

Captian Lucas answered while shaking his head. It seemed like he analyzed that I have less potential in battling.

"And I will be needing to develop a new plan for your training too."

...did he just speak about creating a new plan?

I mean, I am excited about becoming stronger but I could delay it if it would decrease my free time.

"Why a new plan?"

"To make sure that you developed your potential to the limit."

Captian Lucas informed with an excited look on his face. Was he that excited to teach me?!

But before I was able to even reply, I heard loud screams.


Ralph stood up from where he was lying and pointed his finger in my direction with his face red from anger. Why can't he just accept his defeat?

"No, he didn't Ralph. You have lost."

Captain Lucas informed him of the cruel reality.

Poor boy.

And along with that was the start of whispering among the other trainees.

Ralph's expression darkened even more hearing Captain Ralph's words.

"I want a rematch!!"

He screamed while still pointing in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders.

I want to go out of here now and drink some more tea with Little Lady rather than bickering with children like him.