Chapter 3 The Strange Boy


"Hey wait come back" Dani called out to the man who was walking away, the man didn't look back but he walked so elegantly that his long cloak was swaying at his back. She ran up to him, she didn't know how she got here so she needs this man to help her. When she was close to him enough, she stretched her hand to touch him calling his attention. But something shocking and unexpected suddenly happen, the man who was walking away suddenly transformed into an animal, a huge wolf and sped away. Dani's hand remained hanging in the air, what just happened?. Did she just see a..., a werewolf. Her mouth hung open in disbelief while she was still in that position, she wasn't even blinking. But when she did

Alarm rings...

Dani jumped up from her bed and went to the alarm clock to stop it's annoying and loud sound. Wait it's now that the alarm woke her up, after stopping the alarm she went back to her bed and then she remembered what happened in her..., wait was that a dream. She tried to picture what happened and then she could only sigh in disbelief. She lift her left and to check the tattoo she saw in her dream, and to her expectation it was not there.

'What kind of a dream is that, it felt so real' Dani thought, in the next second she quickly grabbed her phone to check the time. It's 5:34am in the morning, oh God she's late for work. But when she checked the date, it's Sunday. Oh my God, was she so busy that she didn't observed the date but thank heavens she was free today, she didn't have to go to work.

Dani got up from bed and did her morning routine before she changed into her sport wear and went outside for a short exercise. While she was jogging down the road, her mind drifted to the dream she had. She recalled how she felt when she found herself in that cold dark forest, why did she even have such a dream that felt so very real to her skin. And that man out of nowhere appeared to her and disappeared after transforming into a werewolf, Dani thought of searching on the web what it meant to dream about a werewolf and having a tattoo.

Feeling thirsty, Dani stopped by a mall to get a bottle of water. In the mall, she noticed a boy staring at her, when she turned to look at him he was grinning widely at her as if he knows her. Dani ignored the boy and paid for the bottle of water before going out, on her way jogging back home she felt something slipped out from her back pocket,she looked back and saw someone running away. She immediately touched her back pocket.

'My phone' Dani whispered and in no time she started running after the pickpocket, as if realizing that the lady was chasing him the pickpocket ran faster. Dani didn't stop running, until she ran past a huge crowd and lost track of him, she looked around and thankfully she saw him at the same time he saw her the chase began again. She lost track of him again when he passed a shortcut. Breathing heavily, Dani placed her palms at the back of her neck. She looked disheveled and helpless.

'oh gods' Dani cursed bitterly.

"Are you looking for this" a so cute voice was heard. Dani turned only to see the same boy that was smiling widely at her in the mall, and now he was doing the same thing while holding her phone forward to her. Dani quickly grabbed it and check if it was okay.

"Thanks, how did you get it?" Dani asked the boy looking at him in disbelief.

"Well, the guy was also so dumb that he kept the phone in his pocket and was unaware when a smarter person swiftly took it" He said grinning at her again.

"How did you know that someone stole my phone in the public, wait, were you...You were stalking me right" Dani frowned.

"What!, of course not, I am just a boy. When I saw you running after the man who stole your phone I decided to help" He replied.

"Anyways, thanks. What's your name" Dani asked.

"My name is Heanad" He answered, putting his hands in his pocket, for some unknown reason Dani felt that his name sounded familiar. Dani could tell that he is a very confident teen boy, and he reminded of her little sister,Rena before she died.

"Your parent would be looking for you by now, I think you should go back" Dani said as she started walking away, the boy ran after her and walked alongside her.

"I don't have a parent" Heanad said, making Dani halt in her tracks. She looked at the boy, his bright and happy face now looks unhappy.

"I'm sorry, then who are you with. A family relative?" Dani asked as she continued walking.

"Something like that" Heanad replied.

"Anyways, I shouldn't be here anymore. All I need to tell you is that, you would soon be replaced and you don't have to worry." Heanad hurriedly told her and Dani creased her brows.

"Replaced!, what do you mean." Dani looked at the boy, puzzled.

"You had a dream last night, about a werewolf, right?. We would meet again" Heanad said. What!, how did he know that, what was happening to her these past few days. Dani was still pondering over the weird things that were happening when she noticed that the boy was not with her anymore. She looked everywhere but didn't find him.

'how weird' Dani thought and walked home.

At home, Dani was busy writing the new novel she intended to. Somehow, the dream she had last night gave her some inspiration that she wrote twelve chapters non stop. When she was done, she started daydreaming about what happened in last night's dream and then she remembered the boy saying that she would be replaced, what did he mean by that. Dani thought. Dani imagined what she would do if she had that dream again when a phone beep interrupted her.

Dani: "Hello"

Katherine: "Hi Dani, it's me Kate's twin sister"

Dani: "Oh, hey hi. what's up"

Katherine: "Uhm, I was wondering if you could hang out with us tonight. It's our birthday"

Dani: "Oh Kate hasn't informed me yet.Happy birthday, okay I would."

Katherine: "Ok thanks, I would come and pick you up in the evening"

Dani: "Okay bye, until then"

~phone call ended.