Arrival at the Wolf’s Den [R-18]

"Mmmmph" Maya groaned unconsciously, the world was spinning.

'They must have put a blindfold on me.' Maya thought as she slowly regained feeling in her body, opening her eyes to see pitch black darkness.

It also didn't take long for her to realise that she was chained to a bed, one arm to each bedpost, one leg to each bed end.

"Ver.. Veronica?" Maya whispered vulnerably, her twin peaks shivering ever so slightly as the events of the night resurfaced in her memory. "Are you.. are you there..?" she whispered again, somewhat struggling against the chains, her movements hampered by her frilly blue dress.

Ragged breathing could be heard from the side of her bed. "Ye… yes… (stop it) I'm here Maya" I muttered to Jake, whose tongue was lapping between my legs, before replying back to Maya. He reluctantly backed away, lips parting from the pink folds of my pussy.

My heart pounded rapidly as I continued the act, "Everything's.. hah.. going to be fine Maya.. there are.. hah.. gentleman here that are going to be taking care of us.."

To prepare the ultimate scenario to get rid of her innocence, I have been similarly chained on the bed next to Maya and blindfolded as well. Except for the fact that my undergarments were slightly torn apart by an all too eager someone, I was in the same situation as Maya.

"Gentleman? I love being taken care of~ but weren't we going to a party?" Maya mumbled out loud, thoughts not flowing straight. "Are you sure you are fine.. eh.. ehh??"

Chained on the bed, Maya suddenly felt a cold liquid drip between the folds of her frilly blue dress and onto her chest. "Wha.." she exclaimed. "Shh.." A burly man's rough voice could be heard and a finger pressed hard on Maya's lips.

"Shh.. don't be loud.. or bad things will happen to your friend aye". Across the bed I peeked through the crack under my blindfold and smiled wryly, this man sure knew how to ad-lib.

"Aye?" The burly man repeated loudly. Bang! He smacked the bed's headrest with his hand. Maya's lips parted from the sudden shock, and a small yelp escaped her trembling lips.

"Good." Drops of cold liquid rained down and quickly started to drench Maya's dress, causing her to elicit small pants and occasionally claw at the bedrest.

Pants soon escalated into moans as he used rubbed his big hands around her petite body, fingers pinching and squeezing to tease the liquid into every nook and cranny.

I trembled excitedly as I watched the scene unfold, catching glimpses of Maya's body squirming under the burly man's hands. She struggled in her now soaked, transparent blue dress, and her small perky nipples could be seen peeking out as if to welcome any intruders.

'Oh Maya, you are so delightfully cute' I thought again to myself. Listening to her moans had made me leak a small puddle.

Jake had left the room for some business, so I gestured at another man waiting by the door as he soon carried out the same procedure on my body, causing me to shudder involuntarily.

"Mmmmmm...." I moaned. My thick thighs opened and closed as the man rubbed his hands in and out of my black onepiece, forcing my tits to spill out left and right. My dark brown nipples ached from being brushed about occasionally.

'Ugh.. This man.. is very good at teasing..' I gripped tightly at the chains. They were the only thing separating me from ravaging my pitiful Maya on the bed across. "In time.. in time.." I breathed raggedly, face flushing with excitement.

A sideways glance through the blindfold revealed the poor girl, twisting and turning in bed as her lips puckered up to contain her feminine moans.

'What are they doing to me..' Maya wondered, 'I'm making all these dirty sounds..'

'It feels weird and I should tell them to stop.. but I should keep quiet for Ver..' she did her best to be a good girl and prevent 'bad things' from happening to her best friend Veronica.

Quickly, cold became hot. Maya's body felt like it had been lit by a torch as her nerves stood on end. 'I'm starting to feel weird..'

As Maya struggled about under the man's onslaught, her now extremely sensitive nipples rubbed against the fabric of her dress..

"Ah!" she let out a slow yelp as a never before agony sprang from the friction. Her nipples blazed in pleasure as she orgasmed, drenching her underwear with hot juice. 'I'm.. I'm peeing..' she moaned as her mind blanked and a small river leaked out from her pussy.

"What did I just say? I told you to keep quiet!" The burly man grumbled, causing Maya's body to stiffen as she had forgotten her adversary from the momentary pleasure.

"Bad girls should be punished.." He gestured at the door and another man's footsteps could be heard arriving at her bed, followed by a small brushing noise.

'Oh no... what could that be..' Maya internally mumbled, barely recovering from her orgasm.

I could make out the figure of a black flog being passed to the burly man, 'Oh.. she's in for some trouble' I giggled internally as I remembered how that flog brought me endless amounts of pleasure.. and butt-ache.

Whoosh! Smack! The flog whipped through the air and landed on Maya's breasts. "AHH!" She cried out loud as the impact caused her back to arch into the air, her chains rattled loudly as she crashed back onto the bed. Slashed pieces of dress revealed thick red marks which snaked around her petite tits.

'Why is this happening to me..' Maya cried internally, but chose to leave a stoic expression on her face in an attempt to seem unfazed to her kidnappers.

"Not feeling anything huh?" The man teased, lifting the flog higher and bringing it down again. Whoosh!! Smack!! The flog hit her thigh this time, etching a mixture of shock and pleasure deep into Maya's brain.

Her unfazed look revealed a hint of agony as her cute nose scrunched up. Her chest heaved up and down as she took in deep breaths. "That's what I thought." The man harrumphed before repeatedly flogging different parts of her body, leaving red marks crisscrossing her skin, sensually revealed through the folds of her torn dress.

Smack! "Nnnngh-" Every hit felt like an electric shock as Maya tried her best to control her facial expression, biting her lip as she struggled to contain her reaction. Oddly, she felt the stinging pain begin to morph into pleasure. 'I feel weird..' she thought again.

"Hmph." The burly man grumbled at her weak response, before taking aim at me "Because of you, your friend gets it too!".

'My friend? Oh God, Veronica is going to get punished too!' Maya turned her head and tried to sneak a glance through the blindfold, only to be met with a stinging pain across her cheek. Smack! She was flogged hard across the face. Pain erupted as Maya struggled to contain her panic.

'Brute.' I rolled my eyes underneath my blindfold, 'If that leaves a scar, I will personally castrate that man.' Yet simultaneously I was very turned on..

"Hahahahaha" The man laughed sickeningly, glad to finally find her weakness. "Concerned about your friend aye? Leave it to me." He motioned the man attending to me, whom quickly removed the bottle of transparent liquid I was smeared with, and took out a flog from underneath the bed.

'Oo.. my turn..' I licked my lips. 'Wait.. why does mine seem much bulkier than Maya's?' A careful glance revealed that the flog's handle was as thick as my arm. Stiff black ropes that exuded a threatening aura extended menacingly from its base.

'Damn brutes.. they aren't going easy on me huh..' I grimaced, 'This is going to hurt.' my pussy however, began twitching wildly in anticipation.