Hallucination Paradise [R-18]

A musty smell permeated in the air as Maya descended down the staircase, it smelled of stale wood.. and semen. Her heartbeat quickened as she took each step in pure darkness. 'Veronica.. Veronica's in here.. being tortured... like me..' an odd anticipation grew in her body as she fumbled her way down the steps. 'Hehe..'

"Mmmmmph.." a low moan echoed in the basement. Maya's eyes glinted under her blindfold as she recognized my feminine voice. "Veronica.. Veronica is that you?"

Inside the basement, I was cuffed like a prisoner awaiting execution. My head and hands jutted separately out of three holes carved into a large wooden board. The board was lifted by thick metal poles, such that if someone stood in front, they could still reach their hands underneath the board and grab at my exposed jugs.

'Damn...' the burly man eyed me lewdly as he descended down the staircase with Maya, gulping down saliva as his eyes couldn't let go of the curvy ass that jutted out behind me. Underneath the dim lights, I was held suspended in midair by strong ropes. His obscene eyes trailed downwards as he admired the sexy legs which were spread in a V fashion, such that my pussy and tits faced the ground.

Facing me was a similar wooden board, where Maya would be subsequently hung and cuffed.

"Maya.. is that you..?" I moaned again, a certain over eager man had once again stuck his tongue between my folds and was in the process of frantically teasing me up and down, causing me to flood his mouth with hot juice. Jake reluctantly backed off as I kicked him, my ropes were not that tight.

Maya was promptly guided to the execution board, fitted and suspended. I could feel her hot breath run across my face as our noses almost touched. Our wooden boards forced us to face each other, and our legs behind us stretched into a deep V, leaving our damp pussies exposed as we breathed onto each other's face.

"Veronica.. I was so scared.." she whimpered as her blindfold was slowly taken off her. Her jaw seemed to hit the floor as she was greeted by my sorry sight.

My tangled and messy hair (which I had messed up myself) flowed past my cheek, next to my self inflicted bruised lip. Her gaze stopped at my exposed breasts beneath the wooden board, they were still tinged with red from last night's beating.

Soon, my crimson eyes met her hazel irises, exchanging silent acknowledgement at each other's situation.

"It's okay Mie" I called her pet name, something I hadn't done in a while. "Everything's gonna be alright" I tilted my head forward to touch my nose with hers, going further to kiss at her bruised cheek.

The suspension had let me move somewhat freely in the air. Maya's eyes brightened for the first time today, before she turned abashedly and whispered in my ear "Ver.. They made me taste your juice.."

I guess she felt guilty for her behavior. "It's okay Mie, they made me taste yours too." I kissed her again on the lips, making her taste a sweet floral flavor. Her eyes widened as she felt my hot lips come into contact with hers, making her shudder in ecstasy.

'Oh my beautiful girl. How you have fallen.' I thought.

'Hehehe.. Veronica tasted me too.. that makes me so happy..' Maya giggled stupidly, her body blazed with passion as I left her wanting from my kisses..

Letting us share an intimate moment, Jake and the burly man lifted wooden boxes behind each of us. Something mechanic sounded from within.

"Ver.. what are they going to do to us?" Maya whispered. All she wanted in this moment was to take me away for herself. Cough- cough- I cleared my throat before attempting to look stoic. I voiced loudly "Whatever you are going to do to us, we won't submit."

Jake almost facepalmed as he cringed at my poorly spoken lines. The burly man fell over but made it seem like an accident.

I felt Maya stare at me, making me sweat bullets. 'Did I.. say it right..?' I worried. Unbeknownst to me, in this moment I seemed like the world to her.

"No, I will protect you." She looked hard at me and exclaimed, "Whatever you are planning, you have to get through me first!" She said in an equally stoic fashion, her cute face pouting.

I was at a loss. 'Why are you stealing my moment Maya..' I complained internally. Jake and the burly man were similarly speechless. The burly man soon cackled loudly "Hahahaha, we will see about who's getting protection later."

"Eat." Jake and the burly man passed us a set of pills, one for birth control and the other was an aphrodisiac I suppose. 'Whoops.' I thought as I had already broken one aphrodisiac pill in Maya's steak this evening.

'Shit! Are they trying to blow my cover??!' I swore under my breath as I recognized the aphrodisiac pill they passed to me. Termed 'Hallucination Paradise', it was famous in the underworld for its overwhelming aphrodisiac effect. Legend had it that it made a 16 foot elephant grind against a tree in heat.

'No.. no.. no..' I pleaded Jake with my eyes as he held the pill closer and closer to my mouth.