Side Story: Veronican Beginnings [R-18]

[Warning: Mentions of R*pe]

[If you don't like r*pe, please skip the 4 chapter side story~]

"… … … Do you … … she's … okay … … … … I don't know … … … …"

Muffled noises shuffled about the room. "… …. … three days … … hallucination paradise … …. …. recover soon … …"

Drifting in and out of consciousness, I dreamt of Mie.

We were back in the first year of university at our usual hangout – the unused park a few blocks away. The swing creaked eerily as Mie settled on the seat, waiting for my arrival.

Her golden curls were distinctly shorter, the silky strands flowing across her face and ending just before the shoulders of her velvet t-shirt.

'Ohh….. not this again…' 'I don't.. I don't want to see this…' I was late. One of my coursemates had accused me of bullying the other boys.

Creak- Creak- "Why's she so late" Her soft voice echoed in the empty park as she kicked her feet in boredom.

'No… Mie… Run!' I yelled, but she could not hear me. I was but an observer in the dream, unable to act, unable to speak, unable to even turn my head away from what was about to happen.

Rustle- rustle- Mie's eyes glittered in happiness as she stood up from the swing, calling out to the bushes "Ver! What took you so long-"

But the one who emerged from the side of the empty park wasn't me. It was one of the homeless. A man. A criminal. Our tormentor.

Mie stepped forwards, her blue skirt dancing through the air. "Ummm~ how can I help you?"

The man stiffened, before reaching out and grabbing Mie's slender hand. 'RUN! WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE' I screamed, my hands pounding at the transparent screen separating me from the memory.

'Stupid girl… this is why I couldn't protect you…' I sobbed.

"Shut up." The man unsheathed a knife, making Mie draw back in shock. Mie breathed heavily, "Sir.. sir.. let's talk this out.." she pleaded, "I don't have money…"

"Shut up." The man repeated, ripping down her collar in a violent fashion. Her developing A-cup breasts were exposed, along with the white bra that contained them.

"From now on you don't speak or move. Got it?" The man proceeded to push her onto the ground, sending autumn leaves scattering as she lay motionless on the dirty park floor.

"Uuuuu… my t-shirt was new… it cost quite a lot too…" she voiced weakly. "My shirt doesn't go for much.. but you can have it if you want.." the torn tee drooped from her shoulders as she wiggled in a pathetic gesture to appease the man.

The man ignored her ramblings as he straddled himself on top of her, squeezing and kneading her breasts through the fabric of her bra. It was not long before he brought his mouth to her brown peaks, suckling her nipples like a deranged beast.

"Ah-" Clap! The man covered her mouth with his dirty hand. "Mmmmmmmph" she voiced weakly. "… What are.. you.. doing.."

"Oh. Almost forgot this." The man murmured before digging out a dangerously colored red-violet pill from his pockets. "Don't worry. You won't have room to remember me. Heheh."

'Hell's Paradise' I dreaded. The former version of 'Hallucination Paradise', the aphrodisiac that had transformed me into a brainless slut in Jake's basement.

Hell's Paradise was a banned drug even in the underworld, infamous for its instability, often causing memory loss and in extreme cases, warped personalities.

'Run…' I voiced weakly. The footage from the park's CCTV repeated right before my eyes. 'Run Mie…'

The man smacked it into her mouth, making her gulp unconsciously as the pill slid down her wet throat.

"Mmmmmph" Her arms flailed wildly in an attempt to break free, but it wasn't long before she quickly started losing feeling in her body.

Desensitized, Mie's struggling quickly died down as her mind fell into a trance.. Thump! Her arms soon landed back on the ground.

'What's… what's going on…' she thought, 'I can't… I can't feel anything..'

Pit pat- pit pat- pipatpipipat- her heartbeat quickened rapidly before her nipples sent mindfucking waves of pleasure deep into her brain.

"Ah.. Ah.." Mie mumbled weakly through the slits of the man's fingers cupping her mouth.

I watched as her eyes clouded, slobs of spittle and snot splattering on the hand holding her down.

"AH- NGH- MM-" Mie orgasmed again and again, twitching and spasming at the overwhelming sensations. Each touch felt like lightning which shocked and burned her, but the pain morphed into a sickening pleasure that could only be described as 'Hell' for the unwilling participant.

She couldn't think straight as she lay distraught on the park floor, her eyelids fluttering rapidly. The sky seemed to lose its color before slowly morphing into a red and violet veil that wrapped around her body, tormenting every inch of it in her mind.

"Time for the main event." The homeless man murmured ominously, before whipping out his stinky smegma covered cock.

The 6 inch erect thing was covered with patches of dirt, making Mie widen her eyes in disgust. White cheese oozed out of the tip of his member as it throbbed grotesquely in his hand.

Heheh- The man chuckled before lifting her skirt and tearing down her cum-drenched panties, revealing the glistening pussy and tidy asshole below.

"Ooo.. well kept.." He jeered at the sight of her clean ass, licking his lips crudely.

Grunt- The man unhesitatingly ploughed it deep inside her asshole, marking the first victim of his onslaught. The abrupt penetration made her back arch in pain as drool dribbled down her mouth and onto the shoulders of her torn blouse.

"Nnnngh.. nnnngh.. nnngh" she moaned with every thrust, the burning pain formed a sickening pleasure, sending squirts of cum onto the man's shirt.

'No…' I dreaded what was about to happen next. I had sworn to forget this moment and never look back.

Rustle- Rustle- A girl with black hair and crimson irises emerged from the brushes.

It was me.